angry, and disdainful.
I don’t know what I would have said, but Lorenzo broke in and said, “The news crews are filming us. Maybe stepping inside Marshal Forrester and Tilford’s room would be a good idea?”
He smiled while he said it, kept his voice mild and placating. He was trying to smooth things down. Good someone was.
“Blake here likes publicity, don’t you, Blake?” Raborn asked.
I started to say something, but Edward touched my shoulder. It was enough. I shut up and went into the open door of their room. Everybody else followed. Edward shut the door behind us.
“What changes in his body would have been there if he’d been in wolfman form?” Tilford asked.
“The legs are sort of longer, but crooked, almost like the knee joint is wrong, and the femur and tibia are both longer. The mask wouldn’t have fit that flat to his face. There’s more muzzle, for lack of a better word.”
Tilford nodded, as if he were filing it all away for later use. I hoped he was. We needed more of the marshals to know as much as possible about what we hunted. Lorenzo was actually writing it down in a little notebook.
“You should give a lecture next time we have training. This would be good stuff to know out in the field,” Tilford said.
“I’m always happy to share information,” I said.
“Well, aren’t you just the center of attention anytime a roomful of men shows up,” Raborn said.
“Jealous?” I asked.
“Of what, the men?”
“You’re jealous of something. If it’s not the men, then what the fuck is it?”
“Are you calling me a homosexual?”
Edward touched my shoulder, more firmly this time, and moved me back so he could step between us. He was probably one of the few people in the world that I would have let move me back.
“Let’s all calm down.” He had found Ted’s good-ol’-boy voice again. It was a voice to make you agree to anything, or at least not mind disagreeing.
We were saved by Raborn’s radio. He was called to the crime scene to deal with something. The tension in the room dropped by a ton when he left, and it wasn’t just me who felt the relief. It showed on Lorenzo and Tilford both.
“What is his problem with you?” Lorenzo asked.
“I have no idea,” I said, and finally let myself sit down on the edge of the bed, careful to keep the blanket between me and the sheets.
“It feels like you have history,” Tilford said.
“I swear to you that I’ve never met Raborn.”
“Maybe you have a friend in common, or an enemy,” Lorenzo said.
That made me look at him. “That’s a good idea, Lorenzo; I’ll see if I’ve ever pissed off anyone Raborn’s close to.”
“Hey, I’m not just another pretty face,” he said, and grinned.
It made me smile, too, which I needed. Men often make women smile or laugh when they don’t know what else to do. It’s not a bad survival skill in a relationship.
There was more talking, but we didn’t learn anything new. I persisted with the crime scene techs until I got permission to use Edward and Tilford’s shower. Edward lent me a T-shirt and a pair of boxers with a drawstring to put on after I had the blood washed off. Yeah, it would have been more attractive with just the overly long T-shirt on, but I wasn’t going for cute, I was going for professional, and it’s just hard to be professional without pants on. It would be hours, maybe even morning, before I was allowed into my room to get my own clothes. I wanted my clothes, but honestly, I wanted my weapons more. Edward had offered me my choice of several dangerous things from his arsenal. I took a second gun with extra clips, because he didn’t have any extra clips that fit my Browning BDM. He didn’t have any holsters that fit me, or fit the waistband of the boxers, so I was left carrying the guns around the room, but I still felt better, if a little like I should be trying to juggle.
We finally got to sleep after the hospital had confirmed that Karlton was
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