Annabelle's Courtship

Annabelle's Courtship by Lucy Monroe Page B

Book: Annabelle's Courtship by Lucy Monroe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lucy Monroe
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Historical
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raised his brow in question.
    “Yes. I do. I believe we can return inside. I’m sure my aunt will have no cause to cross-question me now.”
    “Not yet.” He spoke quietly, barely above a whisper.
    “Why not?”

    “Because lessons are best learned through experience.” She would have asked what he meant, but his mouth covered hers. His lips caressed hers softly over and over again.
    The few fumbling kisses she had received in the past paled in comparison to this gentle onslaught to her senses.
    Annabelle felt bewildered by the sensations shooting through her. She had never felt this desire to get closer to a gentleman. She wanted to press her body against his and curl her arms around his neck. The thought was so shocking that it broke the numbing effect his kiss had on her limbs. She pushed against him and pulled her mouth from his.
    He would not let her go. She could not catch her breath. “You shouldn’t have done that.” She tried to sound firm, but knew she failed miserably.
    “Nay, I should have done it sooner.” His first kiss had been gentle and probing, this one was full of passion. His lips demanded a response from her, but she did not know what. All thought of resistance had faded and she sought to experience more of the wonderful sensations brought on by his caress.
    Putting his arms around her, he pulled her across his thighs, settling her on his lap.
    He must have removed his gloves because she could feel the warmth of his fingers against the nape of her neck. She shivered with longing.
    The fragrance of the garden mixed with his masculine scent, sending her further into the maelstrom of passion. His tongue roved over her lower lip. He wanted something, but she couldn’t tell what. Her mind felt fractured like light splintering off the crystal of a chandelier.
    “Open your mouth for me,” he whispered against her lips.
    It seemed natural to obey. He tenderly swept her mouth with his tongue. It felt so incredibly wonderful. It must be sinful. She linked her hands behind his neck and closed her eyes, melting against him.
    Laughter broke through the passionate haze surrounding them. He groaned and pulled back slightly. “Belle, we must stop.” She did not react to his words, but remained melted against him with her face nuzzled against his shoulder. She could not get enough air and her mind was fuzzy. Gently disentangling her arms from him, he set her back on the bench. She slowly opened her eyes.
    His were dark with desire. She thrilled at the knowledge his desire was for her. He smiled. The moonlight illuminated his expression. Satisfaction shimmered in his gaze.
    “Now you look kissed, Belle.”

Chapter Five
    William considered the practicality of ridding himself of the Scotsman’s presence…permanently. If he had the funds, he could hire it done, but he was unsure of soiling his own hands in that way. Perhaps it would be unnecessary.
    He could not believe that even the uncouth man continued to pursue the unremarkable Lady Annabelle without knowing of her secret fortune. However, pursue her he did. The laird had waited for the chit to return from fixing her hem, just as William had done, forcing William to do so in the shadows.
    And then, when she had not shown, the Scotsman had found her first. William had only spied her returning from a walk in the garden with the other man.
    Looking quite flushed. If he did not know better, he would believe the couple had been engaging in a passionate tryst. But he could not believe that of a proper English lady, even a dowd like Annabelle.
    Annabelle shivered and yawned as she made her way to Aunt Griselda’s room. She had slept very little the night before, restless with thoughts of Ian’s kisses. Those of a lover, he had said. Whatever the term, they had left her breathless and wanting more.
    She fervently wished that Diana and Robert were already in Town. Her brother and his wife had promised to arrive sometime this week. She prayed it would be soon.

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