Another Dead Republican

Another Dead Republican by Mark Zubro Page B

Book: Another Dead Republican by Mark Zubro Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mark Zubro
Tags: Fiction, General, Gay, Mystery & Detective, gay mystery
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said, “I am not an attorney for anyone here but Veronica Grum. Is she under arrest?”
    “I understand you interrogated her earlier.”
    Brendstin said, “Yeah. We talked with her.”
    Achtenberg said, “Then that should be sufficient. She won’t be talking to you any further. Certainly not until she has had time to confer with me.”
    Mr. Grum said, “We’re trying to find out who killed my son.”
    Achtenberg said, “We all want to know that. We all also know that the most likely suspects in a murder are the family and acquaintances of the deceased. Now, I know what my client is going to do. She is going to be silent.” She pointed at Scott and me. “These two gentlemen just arrived after being called by my client. They can’t possibly add anything to your investigation.”
    Brendstin said, “We gotta talk to everybody.”
    Mr. Grum said, “We need to minimize any scandal. We have to all cooperate.” He pointed at Achtenberg, “She has no official standing in this family. Who invited this lawyer here?”
    Veronica spoke up, “I did. I will do precisely what she says.”
    Achtenberg put a hand on Veronica’s hand. “In a few minutes my client is going to return to taking care of her children. I think those three youngsters have to be our major concern. They’ve just lost their father. Detectives?” She used a tone that dared them to disagree, more authority in it than all Charles Dudley Grum’s bombast.
    Mrs. Grum said, “We’ll take the children to breakfast.”
    Veronica spoke immediately. “No, I want them here with me.”
    Mr. Grum said, “Well, really, you can’t keep them away from us.”
    Mrs. Grum’s voice rumbled. “Edgar is looking down at you from heaven. Would he like seeing you acting like this?”
    Veronica began turning nearly as purple as her father-in-law had been a few minutes ago.
    Achtenberg broke in. “My client will be making all the decisions regarding her family. Her decision is for them to be here with her. That should be sufficient for all involved.” She glared at the Grums, then turned her stare on the detectives.
    None of them raised any objections.
    “We should all leave this room,” Mr. Grum said.
    Veronica said, “No, Tom and Scott are going to stay here.” She placed her hands on her hips and glared at them. She was adamant and there was nothing they could do.
    The Grums wanted us out, an excellent reason to stay. Their presence in the house was somewhat understandable. Their insistence on us leaving this room was totally suspicious. Their obvious connection with the police, beginning to be worrisome. Something was in this room they did not want us to see: a key to the murder, a key to the family’s finances, a secret drug stash, the lost treasure of the Incas, one of the stuffed animals was secretly crammed with treasure, or hints to how they kept power and stole elections in Harrison County? I suppose I could speculate pointlessly and endlessly.
    Veronica, Scott, and I stood stock still in the room. Achtenberg motioned to the cops and Warner, “Could I see you for a minute, in the hall? And maybe the Grums could wait in the living room.” Her calm intransigence was met with grim acquiescence.
    As they were leaving, Achtenberg turned to us, “Wait for me, please.”
    Warner and Achtenberg were talking a mile a minute as they pushed through the door.
    When they were all gone, Veronica let out a sigh. “I’ve got to get to the kids.”
    “Mom and dad will handle them until it’s time to go.”
    Veronica said, “We’re staying here. I want the walls of my home around me, and who knows what my in-laws will try next.”
    “Good idea to stay,” I said.
    And if she’d decided to leave, I’d have said, “Good idea to go.” Support for her was paramount, not choosing to believe I knew best about what she should do or say. If she

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