Apex 2: Rise of the Super Soldiers

Apex 2: Rise of the Super Soldiers by Adam Moon Page A

Book: Apex 2: Rise of the Super Soldiers by Adam Moon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adam Moon
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along. Hank was always making sexual references about other girls, probably to test the waters and see if Sally reacted in any way. Because she wasn’t interested in him, she refused to respond, expressly or in any physical way.
    Sh e brooded. “She was a hero before now, but now that she’s being directed by our Commanders, I bet she becomes a coward just like they are.”
    Hank shook his head and stared off into space. He hated being around Sally when she got like this. He changed the subject. “I heard they’re going to get a face to face with the Grey’s tomorrow morning.” Because no one knew what the grey aliens called themselves, they gave them nicknames like the Grey’s or the Big Heads or the Skinnies.
    Sally seemed to jolly out of her foul mood. “I wonder what the super heroes will do to them.”
    “I hope they vaporize them with laser eyes or heat breath or something.”
    “I don’t think they can do that, can they?”
    “I don’t really know.”
    Sally started to hop up and down to stave off the cold when the blast doors opened to the outside and a huge truck noisily rolled towards them.
    Hank said, “Oh, thank God. I’m exhausted. Let’s get this over with and get some sleep.”

    The truck came to a complete stop as one of the outside sentries followed after it. He closed the blast doors from the inside of the mountain and then waited for the three armed men to step down from the rig.
    The men had an air of superiority about them that immediately angered Hank and Sally. Hank stepped forward and said, “I’ll let Commander Watson know you’re here.”
    One of the men said angrily, “You will do no such thing. We have our orders and so long as this alien artifact is in our custody, you’ll do as we say.” He then pointed to the sentry and ordered, “Take us directly to the Commander.” Then to Hank and Sally, “Guard this truck until we return.”
    Sally said huffily, “It’s inside a nuclear-blast proof mountain bunker. It’s already as well guarded as anything in the world. We’ve been up all damn night waiting for you so go ahead and shove your orders up your ass.”
    The man’s face went beet red and screwed up into an angry knot. He stepped forward, chest puffed out and fist s balled when Hank stepped between them and said, “Settle down. We’ll watch the truck. Now hurry the hell up and get this over with.”
    The sentry guard said, “Come this way.”
    The distraction seemed to cool down the angry trucker. He and his men followed the sentry.
    When they were gone, Hank said to Sally, “You’ve got to stop antagonizing people. You’re going to get us both in trouble.”
    “Did you see the way that prick was looking at us? Did you hear how he spoke to us? Screw that guy.”
    Sally was right of course but as usual, she took it too far. Hank stared at the truck intently as Sally ranted and raved about unfair treatment and the ineptitude of their superior officers.
    Her pitch was rising when Hank cut her off. “I want to see what’s inside this truck. The Grey’s are guarded by a single door guard. The super heroes aren’t being guarded at all, but this truck was being secured by three soldiers. Whatever’s in it has to be important beyond belief.
    Sally smiled and nodded. “I like the way you think. We just need to find a key.”
    Hank didn’t see an exterior lock so he stepped up into the cab and looked around. Against the back wall was a lever. He pulled it with all of his might and then heard Sally yell from the outside, “That’s it. Hurry up before they come back.”
    Hank’s heart was racing. If they got caught, they were in trouble. He made his mind up on the spot to blame Sally if they got nabbed. Sally had a track record of insubordination so they’d buy his story readily even when Sally disputed it.
    She’d rebuffed his advances for so long that he barely cared that she was his only friend and that his instincts should’ve dictated

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