As High as the Heavens
and the same." Robert paused to take a
swallow of his claret. "We, several friends and myself,
mean to rescue her from Lochleven Castle. But we need
yer help."
    Duncan exchanged glances with his father, who was sitting next to him on the settle. "If it's fighting men ye're
seeking to help ye storm the castle this spring, then I'm
yer man. Is it yer wish I raise an army of Mackenzies
to aid ye?"

    "Nay, lad." Robert chuckled softly. "Naught so bold or
dramatic as that. We mean to enter Lochleven peaceably,
and spirit Mary away right out from beneath her jailers' noses. That's where ye come in. Ye look remarkably
like a man named Colin Stewart, a good friend and true
to Lady Margaret Douglas, Lochleven's chatelaine, and
her son, William. We mean to send ye into the castle in
Colin's stead, and, when all are deep in their cups, ye'll
free the queen and help her escape."
    "Ye want me to impersonate another man?" Duncan frowned. "And who is he, that I look so much like
    Robert fingered the rim of his goblet. "He's a young
nobleman, heir to Lord David Stewart's fine lands and
holdings in Atholl. Why ye look so much like him is a
mystery, though. I can only surmise it's some sort of
miraculous coincidence."
    The older man grinned. "Aye. A miracle sent from God
to save our queen."
    "Well, God or no, it all seems too easy, too convenient."
    Duncan tried to catch Heather's eye, but she kept her
gaze downcast. Suspicion flared. A sudden surety sprung
from some heretofore hidden place.
    She knows something, he thought. She's in league wi'
her father in this. But how, and why?

    "Indeed? In what way does this all seem too easy and
convenient, lad?" Robert inquired with a mild arch of
a brow.
    Duncan refused to be seduced by fine manners and
calm words. They'd get to the bottom of this muddy
pool here and now.
    "How else? That ye would've known that two men
who live so far apart," he replied, "are supposed exact
look-alikes. I'm thinking there's more to this than what
ye care to reveal."
    "I keep naught hidden, lad." Robert smiled benignly.
"I've known Colin Stewart for years and, in truth, had
important dealings with his family. And ye know I visit
Angus here in the Highlands from time to time. If ye
recall, I attended a ceilidh last summer in which ye were
present. It was then I noted yer striking resemblance to
young Colin, though at the time I thought naught of it.
These things happen, the rare occurrences of two unrelated people appearing as doubles. I've seen it before in
my travels. Ye'd have noted it, too, if ye'd ever chosen
to leave the Highlands."
    Despite Gordon's glib reply, Duncan realized, there
was something here that still didn't fit. Unfortunately,
for the moment, he couldn't quite put his finger on
it. Best to hear the man and know it all. Only then,
with all the facts at hand, could he make an informed
    "I can't say parading around as some noble sits well
wi' me," he said. "And if this Lady Douglas is such close
friends wi' the man, I doubt I'd be able to fool her long
enough to gain access to the queen."

    "True enough, lad. As ye now are, ye'd fool no one."
The elder Gordon took his daughter's hand and gave it
a reassuring squeeze. "Ye need schooling in the ways
of a noble and, more particularly, in Colin Stewart's
special manner. That is why I brought my precious
daughter with me. She knows Colin well, and is also
knowledgeable in all it'd take to make ye act and think
like a noble."
    For the first time since they had entered the library,
Heather met Duncan's gaze. In the depths of her glowing, blue eyes, he saw the confirmation of her father's
words. And, seeing that confirmation, for a long moment
he was too startled, too shocked to speak.
    Could it be? Did Robert Gordon mean to offer his
daughter to serve as a tutor? Did he mean for her to
devote hours, days, even weeks to his training, in close
quarters and intimate

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