Ashley Merrick - India: Bride of Indiana (American Mail-Order Bride 19)
you, to up and leave the place you’d lived all your life to marry a man you barely knew.”
    “I have no regrets. My sister and mother had already left by the time I met you, and my friends have all left as well or will be leaving soon. There is nothing left for me there anymore. This is my home now.”
    “All right. Well, I just wanted you to know I’m glad that you are here. I enjoy your company and you’re very good with the children.”
    “They’re very good children. It hasn’t been very difficult.”
    “I agree. But nonetheless, I just wanted to let you know. I think things are going very well.”
    “Thank you, that means a lot to me.” India was glad to hear it. A yawn escaped and she realized it was past her usual bedtime.
    “I think I’m going to head up now. See you in the morning.”
    “Good night, India.”

    I ndia woke out of a sound sleep and instantly recognized the sound of Sammy crying. She was out of her bed in a flash and made her way quietly down the hall. This time, she was the first to reach him. She approached his bed and lightly touched her hand to his forehead.
    “Sammy, honey, it’s India. You’re having a bad dream. I’m right here.” She sensed Richard and Julia behind her and added, “We all are.” The crying stopped for a moment and Sammy looked around the room at the three of them.
    “Just a bad dream, Sammy. You can go back to sleep now.”
    “Can I come sleep with you?” Sammy asked.
    “Of course,” Richard answered, and stepped toward the bed.
    “No, with India.” India was shocked.
    “Is that all right with you, India?” Richard sounded just as surprised.
    “Of course it is. Come on, Sammy.” She took his hand and helped him out of bed. They walked to her bedroom and she helped him into the bed. She tucked him in tightly, then climbed in next to him.
    “Sleep well, Sammy. I’m right here if you need me.”
    But he was already fast asleep.

Chapter 12
    T he next few days passed uneventfully, and with no more bad dreams from Sammy. When Wednesday came, India found herself both looking forward to and a bit nervous about the woman’s club meeting. Laura had said that she would come by to pick her up, so they would be going together. India was glad for that. She had never belonged to any kind of a woman’s group like this, although she had heard of them.
    It looked like the room was set for about thirty-five women. Laura had wanted to get there a bit early, so that she introduced them to India as they arrived. There were a few familiar faces among the group—Richard’s mother and sister-in-laws as well as Irene from the mercantile, and of course, Olivia and her mother.
    Once everyone arrived and were seated, the servers started to bring out bread and soup and then the luncheon meal which was baked chicken. There was a small table in the corner of the room where several children, including Sammy and his cousins, had a stack of toys to play with and grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup for their lunch. As soon as the meal was over, the meeting began and Olivia stood to address the group.
    “I’m not sure if I mentioned this, but she is the president this year, so she is running the show.”
    India chuckled. “No, I don’t think you did mention that.”
    Laura grinned. “Well, I did want you to come, you know?”
    “So, if we are all in agreement, our next fundraiser will be an evening event at the Windsor Hotel. A night of music and cocktails, appetizers, dancing and a silent auction, with all proceeds to benefit this year’s needy fund, to help families with financial hardships during this holiday season. I think we can all agree this is a worthy cause.”
    Laura smirked. “It’s a wonderful cause, but I think she’s more interested in the charity event itself.”
    “I feel badly saying it, but I think I agree,” India said softly, taking care that no one around them could overhear.
    Laura looked delighted. “I’m not a mean person, I’m

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