Audacity (Warner's World Book 5)
unable to be ME.’ After a moment’s thought he added ‘but maybe there is a way!’

Chapter 21. Lewista, Cheklin 0845, 6 August
    Bakun Likta knew he should have retired last year when he had the chance. Ever since he agreed to stay on, for the good of the corporation and the Imperial way, he had been regretting it. But in comparison, all the previous causes for regret were trivial compared with that now before him.
    On his terminal was the message from his former subordinate, Meeka Sallusam. How he hated that name. He had once liked Sallusam but that all changed long ago.
    He knew he couldn’t ignore it, not while Sallusam had his hold over him. But if he got caught helping Sallusam it wouldn’t just be his head on the block. No, the powers to be would take great delight in bringing down the house of Likta. The thought of his grandchildren being terminated because of his actions was too much to contemplate. ‘What to do?’ he asked himself.
    One thing was for sure he couldn’t just call in Mila, his normal go-to man for ‘discreet’ tasks. ‘No, that would not do’ he thought. ‘Only Sallusam and I must know of this. It’s been our dirty secret all these years and it must remain so. Though…’ he contemplated ‘maybe it IS time for a reduction in the number of the secret holders. Mmm…but how? I can’t be implicated.’
    ‘What am I thinking?’ asked Bakun. ‘Even if I kill him the secret will come out.’ Bakun thumped the desktop with his open hand “Blast you Meeka” he said out loud in frustration. Thankfully he had taken the precaution of closing the door to his office high up on the 233 rd floor of the Likta Plaza building, the tallest building smack in the centre of the richest city on Cheklin.
    As he did so he could see one of his fleet’s passenger shuttles coming into land at the city’s spaceport. Its navigation lights were flashing and only just visible through the rain clouds that threatened to engulf the city. ‘An ominous portend perhaps?’ asked Bakun. “Fuck you Meeka!”
    After a moment of silence Bakun picked up his communicator. It rang for almost a minute before being answered. 
    “Yes?” asked the voice at the other end.
    “We need to make a short trip. Two hours. Usual location. Ensure you are armed.”
    “Of course” said the voice at the other end before hanging up.
    In many ways Bakun envied Mila’s perfunctory nature. It avoided so much drivel. He didn’t really need him but Mila provided insurance and he was a good pilot. Conversation lacked but that was a small price to pay.

Chapter 22. Dorntum, Cheklin 1300, 6 August
    Oscren Mila landed the old Sherbr freight shuttle in the clearing amongst the great forests some fifty kilometres south of Dorntum. They were only 640 kms north of the south pole. Heavy rain lashed the craft and a sixty kph southerly meant Mila had to concentrate fully. Outside temperature was still a respectable eight degrees Celsius. The icecap had long since gone - another casualty of ‘development’. Still this was an inhospitable place and Mila’s boss was in no mood to hang about.
    The Dregun shuttle was already down in the northern end of the clearing. After confirming touchdown Bakun put his hand on Mila’s shoulder and said “Don’t power down. You stay here and be ready to take off at a moment’s notice.”
    “You don’t want me to come with you” asked Mila.
    “No I should be OK” said Bakun. He patted his jacket pocket. “Besides I have come prepared.”
    This was not unusual, so Mila nodded. He knew the drill. If his boss got into trouble, he would signal him with a double tap to his communicator. Mila would then come out shooting.
    Bakun hit the door release and had to brace himself against the wind. He made his way out onto the tundra, felt his boots crunch and squish their way across the low vegetation. The hood over his huge head protected him from the rain which Bakun swore was coming at him almost

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