Autumn Adventure (Summer Unplugged #6)

Autumn Adventure (Summer Unplugged #6) by Amy Sparling Page A

Book: Autumn Adventure (Summer Unplugged #6) by Amy Sparling Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Sparling
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extravagant for her. And, now that I think about it? Isn’t that what Jace has been doing for this whole honeymoon?”
    “Are you going to keep me waiting forever before you tell me?” Jace asks, poking me in the elbow. “Could we maybe get breakfast first? I’m hungry and something has to be open by now.”
    “No, you can’t eat yet,” I say, leaning back to snuggling against him. “I have the perfect idea. Let’s eat our breakfast, lunch and dinner Pretty Woman style.”
    Jace slaps on his goofy joke face and says, “So you want to hire a hooker?”
    I roll my eyes. “Nope. I want to fly somewhere different for all three meals today. And maybe tomorrow, too.”
    He doesn’t even need time to think about my idea, which is yet another reason why I love him. “That sounds kickass. Where are we going for breakfast? Oh! Can I suggest somewhere for dinner?”
    “I say we hit up a bed and breakfast for breakfast. Don’t they usually have really famous breakfast menus? And yes, what’s for dinner?” I can’t help but smile when Jace leaps out of bed and grabs the tablet to show me his idea for dinner. I love when he gets as into an idea as I am. While he’s searching for something on the tablet, he grabs his phone and calls Christopher, our pilot.
    “Jace!” I hiss. “It’s four-thirty in the morning! You can’t call him!”
    “Hey, man,” Jace says into the phone, blowing me a kiss. “I knew you’d be up since you always get up at four to watch the news,” he says into the receiver, more for my benefit I suppose. “We want to hit up a bed and breakfast for breakfast. Do you know any places?” He listens for a moment and then says to me, “Connecticut?”
    I nod. “Perfect.”
    He finishes his phone call, promising that we’ll meet him in the hotel lobby in fifteen minutes. I’m not so sure I can have everything packed and ready in that short of a time, but we’re both starving and want to get to our breakfast destination as soon as possible.
    That’s one cool thing about having Christopher fly us around everywhere—Jace has gotten him a hotel room everywhere we’ve stayed. He said it’s customary for a pilot to follow the family they fly for, getting a mini vacation while they’re taking their clients on vacation. Apparently Christopher’s wife had work that she couldn’t get out of, or else Jace would have paid her way, too.
    “Hey, can I see that tablet?” I ask all casually, trying not to give myself away.
    “That depends…are you going to look up Facebook and see what people are saying about us?”
    “No…” The only way I can say this lie is by making an exaggerated guilty face so he knows I’m playing around. Jace hugs the tablet to his chest. “You can look if you have to, but I don’t want you to read something stupid and then have it ruin your day.”
    “You’re right,” I say, shaking my head. “I don’t need to know. I’m having a blast with you and that’s all that matters.”
    The bed and breakfast Christopher flies us to is absolutely stunning. The entire state of Connecticut in general is beautiful and I can’t believe I’ve never thought to visit it before. Unlike Texas with its hot, dry land, the bed and breakfast is situated between lush woods and cool mountain air. It is a beautiful manor, a mansion if you ask me, that was built in the late eighteen hundreds.
    “New England is amazing,” I say as we walk up the pathway leading to the mansion’s front door. “It’s so old and full of history.”
    “Yeah, Texas and Cali don’t have nearly the same feel as this old place.” Jace looks around, touching the wooden railing of the porch’s stair case. “I bet this place is haunted.”
    “Maybe we should stay overnight and find out,” I say, kidding of course. There’s no way I’m sleeping over in a place that’s even remotely likely to be haunted.
    “Yeah, right. I know you better than to believe you’d do that.” Jace shoots me a

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