Autumn Adventure (Summer Unplugged #6)

Autumn Adventure (Summer Unplugged #6) by Amy Sparling Page B

Book: Autumn Adventure (Summer Unplugged #6) by Amy Sparling Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Sparling
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wink and it’s as if he knows what I’m thinking. I guess that’s what happens when you find your soul mate—your thoughts are no longer yours because someone else knows you well enough to guess them.
    I’m starving by the time we are seated at a table near floor to ceiling windows with a view of the gardens behind the inn. Our table is an antique, with a table cloth and a vase in the center that has a single pink rose. Maybe it’s because we’re so hungry, but I swear the orange juice here is made from the most divine oranges on earth.
    But the orange juice is just a prelude to the breakfast. Jace orders just about everything on the menu and although I’m tempted to join him, I settle for an English muffin with butter, two scrambled eggs, bacon, grits and sliced fruit.
    And I eat every single bite of it. Yay for being pregnant!
    After breakfast, Jace and I walk hand in hand through the gardens. I take pictures on my phone and hope they come out good enough to be printed and framed when we get home. We find a bench carved out of a fallen tree and we spend the next hour talking about where we should go for lunch. There’s so many more options when you get to choose from anywhere in the country.
    My phone beeps while we’re using it to search for famous restaurants. It’s a text from Becca, and although Jace and I had promised we’d ignore our phones for the duration of our honeymoon, Jace nudges me and says, “You should probably see what he wrote. She made this big deal about refusing to text us on our honeymoon and all of that. Maybe it’s an emergency.”
    I slide open the text and find that Jace was sort of right. It’s not exactly an emergency, but it’s pretty damn close.
    “Uh oh,” I say, after reading her text twice to make sure I didn’t misunderstand it. “Becca and Park are um…” Jace’s eyes go wide and I show him the text.
    Becca: Yeah so, I’m sorry I’m texting, but Park and I haven’t stopped hanging out since the wedding and well…yeah.
    “Ah, shit,” he says, handing the phone back. “Tell her to run. Run far away!”
    The quick rush of excitement I’d had over the idea of my best friend dating my husband’s best friend disappears as quickly as it arrived. “But I thought you loved Park? You talk about him all the time.”
    “Yeah, I love him as a best friend. There’s no way in hell I’d let a girl date him though. Especially not your best friend. He’s kind of a womanizer who’s afraid of commitment.”
    “Oh.” I frown and glance at the phone in my hand. How can I tell her something as crushing as that? Becca is definitely not a one night stand type of girl. She’s a commitment girl. A write a guy’s name all over her notebook girl. And they’ve spent the last week and a half together? “This isn’t good,” I say, and then I remember a very important piece of information. “They’re staying at our apartment. You don’t think they’ve…”
    “No way,” Jace says quickly. “Park would have, but I know Becca and there’s no way she’d hook up with him that quickly. I mean, come on.” He makes a circular motion with his finger around the top of his head, indicating the imaginary halo that Becca always wears. She’s one of the good girls. There’s no way she hooked up with Park, because if she did, she’d be even more devastated to learn that he’s a player. I probably shouldn’t have made all those hints to her on our wedding night. I mean, I didn’t really think she’d take me up on the offer to flirt with Park, but it looks like she did.
    I sigh and stare at my phone, wishing for the perfect words to tell her that the guy she’s crushing on is bad news. After several minutes, I simply type Be careful and press send. Becca knows how to handle herself so I’ve just got to trust her on this one.
    Our lunch plans come to me suddenly. One moment I’m walking with Jace down the trails behind the inn and the next moment I’m remembering a

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