knew what it meant. Unlike Joe, Solus, and a few of his other brothers, Einstein didn’t fool himself into believing he could ever feel affection, or love. The military changed him too much and his analytical mind understood all too well that emotion was just a result of hormones and pheromones becoming unbalanced. Despite his current malfunction, he’d soon adjust and go back to his usual, rational self, an observer and a scientist in perfect control of all his bodily functions and emotions.
    Apparently, Bonnie harbored different plans. “We’ll just see about that. I think you might be more human inside than you realize. You just need the right person and incentive to bring it out.”
    If Einstein didn’t know better, he’d suspect she thought she held the skills to do just that. And yet, he didn’t get the impression she was a doctor or technician. Exactly how she planned to program him was a mystery, one he didn’t dare question, not given the way her mood swung.
    As if to prove his point about her irrational nature, she changed the subject. “Where’s the nearest shower? I smell like dust and I swear I’m wearing an inch of filth.”
    “In the corner of the room. But, if you give me a moment, I’ll reassign a few of my brethren and give you a room of your own.”
    “Reassign as in move some of the onboard cyborgs elsewhere?”
    “Where will they go?”
    “To another room. I’ll double up a pair in other quarters.”
    “Oh no. Don’t do that. There’s nothing worse than forcing some guys to give up their space for a girl. That’s all I need is to have the crew resent me because you’re cramming them like sardines into a room.”
    “We wouldn’t cram them. The space is ample for cohabiting if we put the units on opposing, rotating shifts.”
    “You really don’t have a clue, do you?” She shook her head, smiling at his words as if she found them humorous, yet an analysis showed no jest that he could find. “Do you have a roommate?”
    “Not currently.”
    “Then how come I can’t just stay here?”
    “Here?” In his lab? “I guess I could sleep elsewhere, however, I’d have to return for work as most of the equipment is restricted to this location.”
    “You’re being literal again. I mean, why can’t I stay here with you? I won’t get in your way or take up much room. And I trust you. Any guy who can go to a bordello and stick to fixing naked pussy instead of fucking it can surely be trusted not to molest me while I sleep or shower.”
    “I would never touch you inappropriately.” Seth would have been proud of his indignant retort.
    “Says the guy who kissed me.”
    “An anomaly, I swear. It won’t happen again.”
    “A shame. But not to worry, I don’t intend to make any such promises.” She winked, but before Einstein could reply or ask her to elaborate on what she meant, off came the shirt she wore in a flutter of fabric. He watched with more interest than it warranted the gentle sway of her hips as she headed for the shower cubicle in the corner. Why did the appearance of her naked buttocks make his cock swell? He’d never noticed a female’s posterior before. But that was before. Awake only a short while and yet, since the female cyborg’s emergence from her comalike state, everything had changed for him, which made absolutely no sense.
    He’d seen B785— she prefers Bonnie —naked before. Gone over every inch of her, actually, both visually and physically, during his attempts to reanimate, but now…now everything had altered. He couldn’t have said why. Was it because her skin glowed with health? Because her limbs flowed with sensual grace? Because she threw him a coy smile over her shoulder and licked her lips? Was it a combination of all these factors that brought a flush to his cheeks? The answer eluded him, but he could state for a fact that it was the twitch of his cock, an erection he neither commanded nor controlled, that sent him fleeing his

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