Bardelys the Magnificent

Bardelys the Magnificent by Rafael Sabatini Page A

Book: Bardelys the Magnificent by Rafael Sabatini Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rafael Sabatini
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Monsieur de Marsac might be pleased to refrain from visiting Lavédan whilst I was there.

    OF the week that followed my coming to Lavédan I find some difficulty in writing. It was for me a time very crowded with events—events that appeared to be moulding my character anew and making of me a person different, indeed, from that Marcel de Bardelys whom in Paris they called the Magnificent. Yet these events, although significant in their total, were of so vague and slight a nature in their detail, that when I come to write of them I find really little that I may set down.
    Rodenard and his companions remained for two days at the château, and to me his sojourn there was a source of perpetual anxiety, for I knew not how far the fool might see fit to prolong it. It was well for me that this anxiety of mine was shared by Monsieur de Lavédan, who disliked at such a time the presence of men attached to one who was so notoriously of the King's party. He came at last to consult me as to what measures might be taken to remove them, and I—nothing loath to conspire with him to so desirable an end—bade him suggest to Rodenard that perhaps evil had befallen Monsieur de Bardelys, and that, instead of wasting his time at Lavédan, he were better advised to be searching the province for his master.
    This counsel the Vicomte adopted, and with such excellent results that that very day—within the hour, in fact—Ganymède, aroused to a sense of hisproper duty, set out in quest of me, not a little disturbed in mind—for with all his shortcomings the rascal loved me very faithfully.
    That was on the third day of my sojourn at Lavédan. On the morrow I rose, my foot being sufficiently recovered to permit it. I felt a little weak from loss of blood, but Anatole—who, for all his evil countenance, was a kindly and gentle servant—was confident that a few days—a week at most—would see me completely restored.
    Of leaving Lavédan I said nothing. But the Vicomte, who was one of the most generous and noble-hearted men that it has ever been my good fortune to meet, forestalled any mention of my departure by urging that I should remain at the château until my recovery were completed, and, for that matter, as long thereafter as should suit my inclinations.
    "At Lavédan you will be safe, my friend," he assured me; "for, as I have told you, we are under no suspicion. Let me urge you to remain until the King shall have desisted from further persecuting us."
    And when I protested and spoke of trespassing, he waived the point with a brusqueness that amounted almost to anger.
    "Believe, monsieur, that I am pleased and honoured at serving one who has so stoutly served the Cause and sacrificed so much to it."
    At that, being not altogether dead to shame, I winced, and told myself that my behaviour was unworthy, and that I was practising a detestable deception. Yet some indulgence I may justly claim in consideration of how far I was victim of circumstance. Did I tell him that I was Bardelys, I was convincedthat I should never leave the château alive. Very noble-hearted was the Vicomte, and no man have I known more averse to bloodthirstiness, but he had told me much during the days that I had lain abed, and many lives would be jeopardized did I proclaim what I had learned from him. Hence I argued that any disclosure of my identity must perforce drive him to extreme measures for the sake of the friends he had unwittingly betrayed.
    On the day after Rodenard's departure I dined with the family, and met again Mademoiselle de Lavédan, whom I had not seen since the balcony adventure of some nights ago. The Vicomtesse was also present, a lady of very austere and noble appearance—lean as a pike and with a most formidable nose—but, as I was soon to discover, with a mind inclining overmuch to scandal and the high-seasoned talk of the Courts in which her girlhood had been spent.
    From her lips I heard that day the old,

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