Battle for the Soldier's Heart

Battle for the Soldier's Heart by Cara Colter Page A

Book: Battle for the Soldier's Heart by Cara Colter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cara Colter
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
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the clasp that held her hair up.
    Grace felt her hair tumble, whisper against the sensitive skin of her neck where his fingers had just touched.
    How dare you would be the appropriate response. To turn around and march right back into her office, and her perfectly satisfactory life, slam the door and turn the bolt would be the appropriate response.
    Instead, she felt the shiver of his touch, of the strange intimacy of him releasing her hair, to the bottom of her toes. Instead, she stood there frozen, captured by the shimmering greenness of his eyes, and by the glint of hard, male appreciation in them.
    “You can’t ride with the top down without feeling the wind in your hair,” he said, something in his voice faintly gruff. He held out the hair clasp to her.
    And she took it and slid it into her pocket without one single word of protest!
    Maybe another woman could be stronger. But the combination of the sexy car and the sensuousness of his touch on her hair and her neck rendered Grace helpless. She could not resist the temptation. Taking a deep breath that she let out with a sigh, she put her leg in the car and then sank into the low seat.
    Nothing could live up to a fantasy she’d held for so long, she told herself, trying desperately to regain some semblance of her sensible well-ordered life.
    But when Rory Adams came around and took the seat beside her, and the engine started with a deep low purr of pure power, and his scent and the smell of leather both filled her nostrils, she had the awful thought that maybe some things could actually be better than a fantasy.
    “Where are we going?” Grace asked him.
    “Does it matter?” He shoulder-checked and pulled away from the curb so smoothly it was as if she was riding on air.
    Whatever was left in her that wanted to be in control evaporated. She laughed. “No.”
    “I thought we’d take the back road around Lake Okanagan. Stop at the Blue Water Resort and have lunch.”
    “That resort is where the big fundraiser for
Warrior Down is.”
    “I know.”
    She pondered that as they surged in and out of traffic, making their way through Mason to the head of the lake road. Did he know everything? Apparently he did. Even about her lifelong dream to ride in a Ferrari.
    “Graham must have told you about my secret fascination with this car,” she said.
    “Is it everything you expected?” he said with a smile that did not distract her. He didn’t want to admit he and Graham had discussed her.
    “So far, it’s more than I expected,” she admitted, but got right back on topic. “I have to admit, it makes me uncomfortable thinking about you two discussing me.”
    “It should.” He sent her a sideways look, and waggled his eyebrows, the villain in a movie. Despite the fact he was still trying to distract her, Grace laughed again, and enjoyed the sensation of laughing. Since Graham had died, and then her engagement had blown up in her face, it really seemed like there had not been much to laugh about. She was not unaware of the irony of the fact that she planned joyous, happy occasions for others, but rarely felt those things herself anymore.
    “Do tell,” she challenged him.
    “Okay. I know just about everything about you. I know your favorite color is yellow. And your favorite book is Anne of Green Gables. I know you once punched a boy in your class for stealing a kiss.”
    “Something for you to remember,” she said, pretending haughtiness.
    “And that you were suspended for it. That’s funny. You suspended.”
    “Despite the fact you think you know everything about me, I am not the Goody Two Shoes you think I am.”
    “Uh-huh.” With utter disbelief. “Tell me something about you that would surprise me.”
    They were taking the exit now and she could see the dark blue waters of Lake Okanagan blinking under the sunlight in the distance.
    She didn’t just want to surprise him. She found herself wanting to shock him. So, feeling bold, she said, “I’ve

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