woods, squirrels scampered in the trees, and salmon leapt up the streams.
Even Uncle Jonas had been able to bring back a salmon on occasion, and Uncle Jonas was no bear.
This bear had been snuffling low among the trees. Hayley almost missed seeing him as she walked along the ridge when the corner of her eye caught the ripple of his coat. She’d stopped, transfixed.
The sight of the strong beast stirred Hayley immediately. Her pulse thickened. Her heart pounded and her chest swelled. Something primal called to her. Something familiar and ancient.
Dark golden-brown fur fanned over the thick shoulder blade. The hump of his back was unmistakable. She took two steps down the slope without thinking. When his ears pricked up and his long head began to rise, Hayley froze on the spot. His front paws lifted as he turned his head to look straight at her.
Her breath halted in her chest. Slowly, in the shade of the tree he stood to face her. His mouth was open and the breeze ruffled through his fur as he sniffed the air. Hayley’s mouth dried. He was huge. He was splendid. He was very near.
Of course Hayley had glimpsed a live bear before, but always from a long way away. He leaned forward and dropped his paws to the ground. His snout stretched towards her.
A movement in the bushes behind the bear took her eye off him. A thick furry hat and a plaid jacket rose up. A shaft of dull metal pointed at the back of the bear.
“NO!” Hayley’s hands flew up and without thinking she started forward.
She almost reached the bear when the hunter shouted, “Git outa the way! ”
As the bear was turning to face him, the rifle’s muzzle flashed and a dull crack echoed in the trees. The bear dove and the hunter sprang back. With a roar the bear loped downhill fast into the darkness of the woods.
Before he was gone, Hayley was sure he was limping on one front paw. Her eyes blazed and stung as she swung her gaze from the disappearing bear to the trigger-happy idiot.
It wasn’t Jonas, but a man a lot like him. Big and red in the face with narrow, furtive eyes. He held his lips tight and his thin tongue flicked between them often.
“You could thank me any way you want, Miss.”
“I’ll thank you to fuck right off, if you’d be so kind, before I tell you what I really think.”
“You entitled young bitch, I just saved your ample ass.”
“Don’t pretend you took a shot at that fine creature on my account.” She glowered, her eyes misting. “If I hadn’t been here, you would have taken the shot just the same.”
“If you hadn’t have been there, I wouldn’t have missed,” he snarled.
“Then you weren’t protecting me at all . You’re here just to kill the bear.”
The hunter glowered at Hayley. She stood her ground and stared right back at him. Eventually he snarled then he whirled around and he left with his rifle over his shoulder, pointed idly back toward her.
She first followed the path that the bear had taken. Her head shook with fury and sadness as her eyes raked the ground and the bushes for traces of his path. She was sure he must have been injured.
High mountain paths had become Hayley’s refuge when she was at school, and when she’d moved to the city, the passion hadn’t left her. This morning she had as much need as ever for the quiet, the solitude, and the space to think that the mountainsides gave her.
Setting out early, she drove up as far as the paved road took her, up to the lot in front of a country-style store, Hank’s Hike and Hunt . She took her pack and left her trusty Toyota, heading straight up into the trees. She climbed until she found a view to stop her.
Blue-gray morning mist rose slowly through the trees in the long valley. The mist hazed the low sunlight and the limbs and fingers of the trees glowed in silhouette.
The soft air, the sound of the breeze in the high forest, the cool stillness all cleared her mind and washed her spirit clean from the grit and
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