Beast (The Submissively Ever After Series Book 1)
couldn’t understand."
    The sister seemed to be goading the man. Obviously, they were husband and wife. It was easy to see who wore the pants in this relationship. "If she spoke another language how do you know she was hostile?"
    The pompous prick’s face glowed like an overripe tomato and snapped. "Well, her hand gestures I understood perfectly."
    Sniggers tore through the room. Belle snapped her gaze toward her sister who’d left the bookcase. "Beatrice, that’s enough. We’re here for a reason, to get me out of this agreement, remember?"
    "How could we forget? I’m getting tired of the moody little bitch act—we all are."
    Their squabble took center stage, drawing the attention of everyone—except Mark. Those green eyes slithered over the room, keeping all the lies inside.
    "She’s going to figure it out, you know. You can’t hide the truth forever. Does she come after you with a knife when she finally realizes what you are?" I stalked forward, wanting to see even a flicker of the pain that was to come. "Does she shut you out?"
    The thought rang true. I clenched my fist and pulled back my arm. If I could only end this here. One quick stab to the heart. The smell of death haunted me. How many lives would I save?
    "He can’t be killed here."
    I spun and searched the room, my fist was cocked, ready to fight. A shadow beyond the bookcase moved. I squinted, and stepped toward the dark outline. "Who are you?"
    "Stop. Don’t come closer."
    The shadow growled, making my fist shake. I opened my hand, and turned palm up. "I didn’t mean to frighten you."
    I caught the man’s scent, like something deep and musk, but underneath an earthy richness that reminded me of the woods outside. The chuff of laughter sounded more like a whimper of pain. "You didn’t frighten me, Anna. Do I frighten you?"
    The shadow seemed to melt into the wall. "Wait! Please, help me to get out of here."
    His last words chilled me to the bone. "I need...."
    I stumbled back. The ghostly touch resurfaced, as well as the driving need. He reached under my dress to expose my thighs. "No. Get away from me."
    I need....
    "Lords, ladies. Dinner is about to be served in the dining room, if you would like to follow me."
    I spun, finding an older man, slim and straight. He moved without a whisper, turning on his heel, he left the sitting room.
    "Maybe your master will be joining us for dinner?" Beatrice called to the servant, but there was no answer.
    "Why don’t you find the dining room and I’ll have a look around?" Mark offered. He didn’t wait for an answer. Instead, he turned in the opposite direction of the butler. I fell in step behind him.
    If not for the familiar layout of the house, I would’ve sworn I’d been transported somewhere else. This place was beautiful. Large windows and light chiffon curtains allowed the soft sunlight to breathe life into the rooms.
    The hiss of water and clash of pans greeted me before I entered the kitchen. An old woman leaned over the sink, grumbling and snarling. Two younger women chopped and mixed. The scent of roasting meat made me salivate. My stomach howled in anger. None of them heard, their attention lay solely on the task at hand. Mark ignored the cook’s attitude at his violation of her sacred space. He wrenched open cupboards, snagging bottles of wine, before reading the label and shoving them back. His choice of liquor didn’t interest me. What did hold my attention was the view from the long row of windows.
    Something other than gravity pulled me through the kitchen to stare outside. Even the sunlight lost its bite, turning dark and eerie. The tall pines were so cramped together that light never touched the ground, leaving the dirt covered in pine needles.
    I tried to search for a worn trail, but each tree looked the same as the others. There was no path I could find. Maybe on the other side of the house? I turned to watch Mark saunter to a row of cupboards, searching each one with a bottle of wine

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