bedeviled & beyond 07 - beset & bewildered
up against a broad, hard chest and cool energy rushed in to heal the damage done by Hell’s horrific atmosphere. “Hello, gorgeous.”
    Shoving a heavy curtain of blonde hair from my eyes, I twisted around to look into Torre’s face. The sight of his sculpted lips and perfect cheekbones made my knees turn to rubber. “What the hell, Torre?”
    His yummy lips turned upward in the corners, he grabbed Seraphim and yanked it from its sheath, flinging it to a soldier hovering nearby. “You came to see me, correct? I thought you’d be pleased.”
    A strident cry tore through the air and my gaze whipped toward the airspace where Slayer had last been, searching frantically for him.
    Firm, warm fingers captured my chin, pulling my gaze back to him. “Your partner is beyond pain now, my delicious one. Time to focus on you...and me.”
    Fear for Slayer had me jerking out of Torre’s grasp, desperately calling Slayer’s name. The red we’d been riding was strung between two long lassos like the one which had snagged me. Its long back was empty. Roaring and belching flame, the red fought its capture with everything it had, but the dragoyles pulled the beast inexorably forward, laughing with pleasure at its struggles. Fear made my chest tight. “Where is he?”
    Torre smiled, his gaze sliding downward, where I saw what looked like the fallen bodies of two Hellhounds. Their bodies burst into flames, setting the surrounding area on fire with them. If Slayer had fallen there...
    Tears burned my eyes. I should have known Torre would come to us. I should have warned Slayer. “You bastard.”
    Torre sighed. “All’s fair in love and war, my heart.” He lowered his head, placing his lips against my cheek. “And I’d fight anyone for your love.”
    The words were spoken so softly I was certain that only I heard them. Though I felt the conviction behind them, my rage and fear for Slayer overcame any softness I might have felt. “If you think killing one of my friends will win my love, you don’t know me at all, Torre.”
    He stiffened slightly and then nodded. “So be it. You’ll come around eventually. In the meantime...” He lifted a hand and his ugly army split in the middle, swinging into wide turns in opposite directions. Torre’s beast jerked into motion, flinging me against him as it performed its own about face. Once we were headed toward Dialle’s castle, several soldiers slipped in behind us and on either side, surrounding us with protection.
    I was distressed to see Gerch and his small group of soldiers being escorted with us, their heads lowered and their wrists bound in angel chain.
    I cast a wistful glance downward but saw only roiling flame and dense charcoal smoke. My heart ripped in a jagged wave of pain. Slayer dead? It didn’t seem possible. Even as my eyes told me he couldn’t possibly have survived, my heart couldn’t grasp it. I couldn’t believe he was gone.

    Into the Dungeon
    Misdirection is actually a direction,
    But surprise isn’t necessarily a prize.
    The dragoyle we rode flew clumsily through the entrance to the dragon’s nest and flailed to a messy landing. Despite my anger and sadness, I was forced to grab hold of Torre or be thrown off the nasty beast and trampled by the equally inelegant beasts on either side.
    As soon as the thing slid to a stop, I shoved away from Torre and slipped down the creature’s heaving, gray side to the ground. I took off running, hoping I remembered my way around the castle enough to find a way out of there.
    The air in front of me shimmered and Torre appeared, a sad smile on his lips. “I see you’re still reluctant to use your magic.” He shook his head, reaching for me. “Come, I have a room prepared.”
    “I don’t want a room. I want to go home.”
    He lifted a slim, black brow. “You are home, Darma. I’ve been waiting for you to come to me. Now that you’re here...” He pulled me into his arms, his eyes swirling with the colors

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