Behind Her Smile

Behind Her Smile by Rosemary Hines Page B

Book: Behind Her Smile by Rosemary Hines Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rosemary Hines
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Thanks, friend.”
    “You’re welcome,” Kelly replied. “Talk to you tomorrow.”
    Michelle set the phone down and sunk into Steve’s chair. Folding her hands in her lap, she closed her eyes and began to pray that God would use this evening to make an impact on their daughter’s life. An image of her grandmother flashed across her mind. Picking up the phone, she called her.
    “It’s so good to hear from you, sweetheart,” Grandma Joan said.
    After exchanging pleasantries, Michelle pressed on with her request, carefully choosing her words. “Would you pray for Madison, Grandma?”
    “Of course, dear. Is something wrong?” Joan sounded worried.
    “Just teenage girl stuff. I think it’s a combination of Luke leaving for college and some normal insecurities at her age. But we’re trying to nip it in the bud. I’d really appreciate your prayers.”
    “I’ll pray. And I’ll get the Silver Sisters on it, too,” she replied.
    Her grandmother’s prayer group had made such a difference in her life. Michelle smiled as she pictured them huddled together, interceding for her daughter. So many spiritual mountains had been moved by God through her grandparents’ prayers. Now that Grandpa Phil was gone, she was glad her grandmother had such close friends to link with in prayer.
    “Thanks, Grandma. I feel better already,” Michelle replied with a smile.

    Steve could see eyebrows raised as the restaurant hostess led him and Madison to their table at the window, overlooking the surf.
    I can just imagine what some of these people are thinking, he mused. Madison looked to be about eighteen or nineteen in her makeup and outfit. And there was no denying that Steve was in his early forties.
    He was actually relieved when Maddie said, “Look, Dad. What a great sunset.”
    Hope everyone heard that, he thought.
    They took their seats and accepted menus from the hostess. “Our special tonight is the salmon,” she said, pointing to a parchment page inserted into the menus. “It’s marinated and grilled over an open flame, then served with wild rice and asparagus.”
    Madison didn’t look impressed.
    “She’s not a fish lover,” he explained.
    “Can I get you a drink to start with? Your server will be with you in a minute,” she added.
    “I’ll have an iced tea,” Steve replied. “How about you, honey?” he asked Madison.
    “Just water.” She gave the hostess a smile. “With lemon.”
    “You’ve got it.” She replied, disappearing in the direction of the kitchen.
    They studied their menus for a minute. “The pork chops sound good,” Steve offered.
    Madison nodded, but didn’t say anything. She fingered her exposed bra strap as she continued perusing the menu.
    Since when did it become fashionable to have your bra showing? Steve wondered. Then images of pop stars flashed across his mind—performers who were continuously pushing the envelope for shock value and attention. He shook his head, and then caught himself. Turning his attention back to Madison, he asked, “Did you find something you’d like. It’s my treat,” he added with a wink.
    She closed her menu. “I think I’ll just have a salad.”
    “That’s not much for dinner. How about a side of stuffed potato skins? You used to love those.”
    She shook her head. “No thanks. Salad will be fine.”
    Steve winced inside. As Madison gazed out the window, he noticed how her bones were beginning to show on that exposed shoulder. “Well, I think I’ll order a starter of artichoke dip,” he said, hoping another of her favorites might tempt her.
    Madison just nodded. “Okay.”
    A busboy delivered their drinks, followed by the waitress. “Can I get you an appetizer before you order?” she asked.
    “I’ll take the artichoke dip,” Steve replied. “Do you want anything else?” he asked Madison.
    “No thanks.”
    The waitress nodded and said, “I’ll be right back with that.”
    Steve followed Madison’s gaze out to the ocean. The

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