Below the Belt
    Grabbing the wide bar of the lateral pulldown machine, she adjusted the weight stack and began to do reps. He watched her technique for a few minutes, telling himself that he was doing his job and not checking out her breasts.
    In desperation, he sat opposite her and started to do some tricep pushdowns. Maybe if he got a really good muscle burn going he could stop behaving like a life support system for a hard-on.
    “So when do you think I’ll be ready for my next fight?” Jamie asked as she rested between sets.
    “Got to break that bad habit of yours first,” he reminded her.
    “I know. Just…curious,” she said.
    “Impatient, you mean. Every fighter wants to rush to his next fight.”
    “ Her next fight,” she corrected, a gleam of humor in her eyes.
    “Yeah, well, that’s my bad habit,” he admitted. “Got to keep reminding myself who I’m dealing with.”
    As if he needed reminding that she was a woman. His gaze dipped to her breasts. Man, but he wanted to taste her.
    He was surprised by the intent look in her eyes when he returned his gaze to her face. She looked…hungry. Almost predatory.
    His cock tightened as he understood that she’d caught him looking at her and knew that he was thinking about her.
    And she liked it. A lot.
    A bolt of pure desire shot through him.
    “You know what? You should just work your way ’round the machines,” he said, standing. “I’m going to go for a run. I’ll be back in an hour or so.”
    She frowned. “It’s absolutely boiling outside.”
    “Yeah, I know.”
    Maybe all that baked-in heat in the roads and buildings would fry some of this lust out of his body. Something had to, because he’d never been so close to breaking his own rules and simply reaching out for what he wanted.
    It was a quiet night thanks to the weather, but there were one or two guys still working out on the speedball and long bags in the other corner. He’d have to lead her through to his office and kick the door shut before he could get his hands on her. But once they were in there he could slide his hands inside those tight little pants she was wearing and find out if she was as hot and ready for him as he wanted her to be….
    “You just keep doing your thing. And if you finish before I get back, I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said.
    He walked away from her before he could act on his X-rated thoughts.
    In the change room, he dragged on a pair of running shorts and a sports tank. When he laced his track shoes, he saw his hands were shaking.
    This was getting out of control. He had to do something. Maybe give Kara another shot, force himself to go the distance this time. Surely once he actually had her in his bed, his body would report for duty?
    Perversely hoping that it would be really, punishingly hot outside, he did some warm-up stretches and made his way to the front door.
    “Hey, wait up,” Jamie called from behind him.
    He turned to see her approaching, her arms busy behind her head as she braided her hair.
    “I need to get my roadwork hours up this week. I’ll come with you,” she said.
    He stared at her. He’d tried to escape temptation, he really had. Now fate—or whatever—was throwing it right back in his face.
    Every man had his breaking point. He had a feeling his was damn close.
    “Sure, why not?” he said.

    S TUPID . Stupid. Stupid. Jamie chanted the mantra silently to herself as she pounded the pavement alongside Cooper.
    Why had she gone out of her way to spend more time with him? Especially when they’d just had that moment where they’d looked into each other’s eyes and acknowledged at last that there was some heavy-duty chemistry going on between them?
    She’d been rejected by five other trainers before Cooper had reconsidered his original decision and taken her on. She wanted to prove to the sport, to herself and to her grandfather more than anything that she could make it to the top. So why was she risking all of that by pursuing

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