Beneath His Ink (Highway Reapers Motorcycle Club Book 3)

Beneath His Ink (Highway Reapers Motorcycle Club Book 3) by Sophia Hampton Page B

Book: Beneath His Ink (Highway Reapers Motorcycle Club Book 3) by Sophia Hampton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sophia Hampton
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have been allowed by law, but he was still going to work on keeping Ella out of this.
    “Is that a threat?”
    “Nope, just saying that she owes us, and I want her to be there when you both settle the score.”
    There was more to it than that. Tyson knew that much. Unbelievably it made him much happier that the police had heard this conversation and that they would be involved. He didn’t think anything would be able to make him feel a glimmer of hope in this moment.
    He wanted to say something back but Tyson was so mad, he couldn’t put even a few words together.
    “See you and Ella at Haymaker’s tonight at seven come alone or else. Yes, that was a threat.” Stephen hung up, and Tyson hoped the people who were supposed to be listening to the call did the right thing. The way his luck was going, they would have missed it, and he’d be in this alone.
    He put down the phone and cleaned himself off, because dried cum didn’t feel that great especially since he had to fight the condom that he’d left in place when he answered the phone. Ella was out there, and he knew she would be waiting to hear what was going on. He also knew she would be raising hell if she found out he’d gone without her.
    The phone rang again, and he thought about not answering it, but what good would that do?
    “Hello.” Tyson was all clean but still naked. He didn’t think he’d ever talked so much business in the buff, but that’s what having a sex pot within reach at all times must lead to.
    “We heard the phone call, so we’ll expect both of you down at the station at five pm.” It sounded like the loud mouth detective Johnson was on the line, and he would have to guess because the man didn’t tell him his name but just jumped into the conversation.
    “I’m not bringing Ella down to the station, for one they will probably be following us, and the other is Ella doesn’t like places like that. The precinct or the court house as you can imagine bring back a lot of memories and most of them aren’t good.”
    “Alright… alright. Well come over to your place. We wanted to talk to her a little bit anyway so we can do both.”
    “What do you have to talk to her about?” Tyson knew they weren’t going to tell him, but he had to ask anyway. This new feeling of protectiveness was so odd to him, but he didn’t want to share it with her.
    “That’s a police matter. We’ll be over in about forty five minutes.” It was the second time in the last half an hour that he’d been hung up on, and he didn’t like it either time.
    The light tapping on the door told him that his girl was done waiting, and he couldn’t say he blamed her. In fact, she’d given him more time than he’d have given her if she was in the bathroom and he was on the other side waiting.
    “I’ll be out in a minute.” Tyson waited a few seconds before he opened the door looking for Ella. She wasn’t in the front room where he’d last seen her, so he pulled on his shorts and jeans before he wandered up the stairs. The door was open in the hallway, so he walked to it and saw Ella sitting on the bed. She looked like she’d gotten freshened up, but the worry on her face was hard to take.
    “Hey,” she said like she didn’t want to start any trouble, but knew that trouble was coming.
    “It’s a big place.” He knew this was lame, but he didn’t even want to say the words that he was going to have to say.
    “Yes it is very roomy. Come on, Tyson, don’t string me around like this we both know you have something so say so just get it over with. Apparently something is going on, and I want to know what it is. If you were me can you tell me it wouldn’t be killing you to know what’s going on?”
    She was right. There was no way in the world he would have let her talk to someone on the phone in the bathroom and given her privacy while she did it. He would have been pounding on the

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