sometimes, Jesse Ward. I am not opening the car until you put that sling on.’
I watch as his eyes narrow on me and the edges of his mouth lift into a concealed grin. ‘Three.’ he says, loud and clear.
My jaw hits ground. ‘You are not giving me the countdown!’ I screech disbelievingly.
‘Two,’ His tone is cool and casual, while I’m stunned. He leans his elbows on the roof. ‘One,’
‘You can get stuffed!’ I scoff, standing firm. I only want him to put the damn sling on for his own sake. It makes no odds to me, but this is principle.
‘Zero,’ he mouths, and starts stalking around the front of the car towards me, while I instinctively head around the back. He stops and raises his eyebrows. ‘What are you doing?’ he asks, circling the other way.
I know that face; that’s his you’re- really -copping-it face. I know he won’t think twice about pinning me to the ground and torturing me until I submit to whatever he demands through fear of peeing myself. What would I be submitting to, though?
‘Nothing,’ I say, making sure I keep to the other side of the car. We could be here all day.
‘Come here.’ His voice is that low, husky familiar tone that I love, and another piece of him that has returned, but I’m being distracted.
I shake my head. ‘No,’
Before I can anticipate his next move, he breaks into a full sprint around the car, and I dash off in the opposite direction on a squeal. People are staring as I weave myself through the other parked cars in the car park like a deranged madwoman, before I skid to a stop at the back of a high top, four wheel drive. I peek around the corner to see where he is.
My heart falls out of my mouth, straight on to the tarmac. He’s doubled over, his hands braced on his knees.
What the hell am I doing encouraging such stupid behaviour when he should be recuperating? I run towards him as a few passersby clock him and start to approach. ‘Jesse!’ I shout as I near.
‘Is he all right, love?’ An old boy asks me as I make it to him.
‘I don’t…WHAT!’ I’m hoist off my feet with one arm and thrown over Jesse’s shoulder.
‘Don’t mess with me, Ava,’ he says smugly, ‘You should know by now, I always win.’ He reaches up my skirt and rests his hand on the inside of my thigh as he strides towards the car with me draped over him.
I smile sweetly at everyone we pass, but I don’t bother to fight him. I’m just happy he has the strength to lift me. ‘My knickers are flashing.’ I complain as I reach around to smooth my full dress over my bum.
‘No, they’re not.’ He lowers me down his body slowly until my face is level with his, my feet off the ground, his chest firm and warm against me. His eyes have won back a bit of sparkle and they are searching mine. He’s going to kiss me. I have to stop this.
I wriggle in his arms. ‘We need to go to the supermarket.’ I say, focusing my sight on his chest as I squirm my way free.
He sighs heavily, dropping me to my feet. ‘How can I fix things if you keep dodging my attempts?’
I brush my dress down and return my eyes to his. ‘That’s your problem, Jesse. You want to fix things by distracting me with your touch instead of talking to me and giving me some answers. I can’t let that happen again.’ I trigger the door release and climb into the car, leaving Jesse with his head hanging, chewing his lip.
We pull into the supermarket and I drive up and down looking for a parking space. I’ve learnt something new about Jesse today – he’s a crap passenger. I’ve been bullied into overtaking, cutting people up and jumping lanes, all in an attempt to gain a few yards. This man is a hothead when it comes to driving. Actually, this man is a hothead full stop.
‘There’s a space.’ He thrusts his arm across my line of sight, and I bat it out of my way.
‘That’s a parent and child space.’ I dismiss, passing it.
‘So…I don’t see any child in this
Atk. Butterfly
Morgan Kelley
Michael G. Thomas; Charles Dickens
Diana Bold
Shirley Jackson
K. A. Holt
Emily Harvale
Paula Fox
Victoria Dahl
Laura Resnick