    “I thought…” He cut himself off as they approached the spur. He was going to mention that he had thought at one point that he had found a wife that could be a proper partner. That split in the road of his life had come some time ago and he had let her take a different path from him, without following. There was no riding back to that point now. He was not sure if he or she had been the one to take the dangerous spur, but that was the point where their lives diverged and he had let it happen.
    “You thought what?” she asked.
    “I thought wives were the ones that gave the orders.”
    Arianne laughed. “We definitely need to marry you off, then, Niser… ugh, Dreth…”
    They took the spur together and continued on their journey.
    “I’m not sure I am up for that adventure any time soon, but I appreciate your concern, Arianne.”
    “Of course,” she replied.
    The trail proved rougher, but barren of other travelers. As far as Nisero could discern, bandits had no use waiting on a trail no one traveled. As sundown approached, there seemed to be no end to the trail.
    “I’m going to need to find us a secure area to make camp, Arianne.”
    “Let’s keep going. We’re getting close to the message drop.”
    They rode on, but as darkness began to set in, he started to think about the ambush on the road to the eastern kingdom that had cost him all his brothers in the Guard. If there was another attack, it would just be him and a pregnant woman. He doubted his own ability to keep people around him safe more so than he ever had in all his life.
    Motion drew his attention off to the left.
    Nisero crouched in the saddle and stared into the shadows, but saw no one.
    “Get ready to ride hard,” he instructed.
    “In the darkness? On this trail?” she asked in surprise.
    Nisero showed his teeth. “What did I say before we took this spur, woman?”
    Nisero was jerked backward off the horse so hard that he thought he had run into a catch wire strung across the trail. It was a common tactic of bandits and his only thought as he fell was that he hoped it had missed Arianne.
    But Nisero realized as he landed on his hip and the horse reared ahead of him that he had been seized and yanked down from behind. He felt the hands of his attacker close around his neck in the darkness.
    “Ride, Arianne!” he shouted as he turned the bandit’s wrist and twisted around inside his grasp. He tried to spy others but could not make out other men in the darkness.
    His own arm twisted up behind him and he took a knee to his gut driving out his air. Nisero flipped over and landed on his back with his arm extended above him and his wrist pressed back the wrong way. As he stared up into the treetops, he saw that Arianne was still on her horse and watching with eyes wide instead of riding away. He tried to yell at her to go, but he could not find his air. Nisero tried to sit up, but a boot pressed his throat and chin and drove his skull back against the ground.
    Nisero blinked against purple stars in his vision and clawed for the hilt of his sword.
    “Father!” Arianne exclaimed. “It’s Nisero. Let him up!”
    Captain Berengar growled, “I know who he is.”
    Nisero stopped with his hand on his sword, but did not draw it. “Berengar? Good to see you, old friend.”

Chapter 6 : Want You Dead
    Berengar kept his boot on Nisero’s throat and the lieutenant’s arm torqued and extended. “Why did you bring her with you?”
    Nisero had to rasp out his reply. “She gave me no choice.” The strain caused by the former captain’s unforgiving hold on his airway and muscle joints was becoming painful.
    Nisero saw that Berengar wore a broadsword with a black hilt in a plain leather sheath on his belt. It reminded Nisero of the swords of many bandits they had fought together in the past.
    Captain Berengar spoke through his teeth down at him. “There is always a choice.”
    “Father, let him up and listen to what he has to

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