Beyond the Sunset
felons had their own space on the ship and wouldn’t be allowed to mingle with the other passengers, of course.
    Zachary stood by the rail, hatless, enjoying the sea breeze lifting his hair. Within minutes Leo came across to stand next to him.
    Today the normally talkative lad was very quiet.
    ‘Is something the matter?’
    He shrugged and rubbed the toe of his shoe against the edge of the planking.
    ‘Tell me,’ Zachary insisted.
    ‘Someone said it.’
    ‘Said what?’
    ‘That I’m a half-wit.’
    Zachary didn’t know how to answer that but could see Leo was upset.
    ‘My stepfather used to call me a half-wit all the time. And it’s true. I can’t even read. My mother tried to teach me and I wanted to learn. I did! Only I couldn’t do it. All I’m good at is looking after horses and animals.’
    ‘Who said you were a half-wit?’
    Leo shrugged. ‘Doesn’t matter. I have to walk away when people say it. That’s what my mother told me to do. She doesn’t like me getting into fights, because even if I win, I get in trouble afterwards. So I don’t fight any more.’
    What sort of life had this poor creature led? ‘I don’t like fights, either,’ Zachary said carefully. ‘They only decide who’s strongest, not who’s right.’
    Leo nodded but it was clear this subtlety was beyond his comprehension. He was in low spirits for the rest of the day and it was noticeable that at meal times he avoided the Gleesomes, so it was likely one of them had insulted him.
    Zachary felt a surge of anger. He waited till later, knowing Mr Gleesome always smoked a cigar on deck after the evening meal while his wife gossiped with the other ladies.
    Telling Leo to stay in the saloon, he followed the older man on deck. ‘Was it you who upset Leo today?’
    Gleesome swung round. ‘What’s it to do with you?’
    ‘He’s a friend of mine and not able to defend himself.’
    ‘Mind your own damned business or I’ll report you to the Captain for threatening me.’
    Zachary gaped at him. ‘I’m not threatening you. But if you don’t leave Leo alone, it’ll be me who’s reporting you to the Captain.’
    ‘A half-wit shouldn’t be allowed to travel with gentlefolk. What if he attacks my wife?’
    ‘Why should he do that?’
    ‘Who knows why half-wits do anything? Now leave me alone.’ He stormed away to stand by the rail on the other side.
    A man moved out of the shadows and came to stand beside Zachary. His stomach tightened in apprehension as he saw it was the doctor. Had speaking out landed him in trouble?
    Dr Crawford held out his hand. ‘Well done.’
    Zachary shook it, not sure why he was being congratulated.
    ‘I heard Gleesome taunting that poor fellow earlier and was going to speak to him myself.’
    ‘Well, let’s hope he’ll leave Leo alone from now on.’
    ‘We’ll make sure he does. He’s right about one thing, however: that young man clearly hasn’t got all his wits. I doubt he’s a danger to anyone, though. I’ve seen others like him.’
    ‘I’ve been trying to speak to you about him. Did you know what Leo was like before he came on board?’
    ‘No. They slipped him past me or I’d have refused to let him travel on his own. I did speak to the Captain, but he knows the father and told me not to interfere. Has Leo said anything about his family?’
    ‘He seems fond of his mother but he’s terrified of his stepfather.’
    ‘What that lad needs is a simple job in the country.’
    ‘He says he’s good with animals.’
    ‘There you are, then. I daresay you could keep a bit of an eye on him while he’s on board ship.’
    ‘I’m not responsible for him.’
    The doctor smiled. ‘I’ve seen how patiently you deal with him. I’d stake good money that you don’t get rid of him until we arrive in Australia. If you need help, if Gleesome or anyone else gives you any trouble, call on me. I’ll back you up.’
    He strolled off and Zachary watched him go with a sinking heart. How could he attend

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