Billionaire Ransom

Billionaire Ransom by Lexy Timms Page B

Book: Billionaire Ransom by Lexy Timms Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lexy Timms
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    Clive shouted, “Thought we heard gunfire!” He glanced at the parking lot. “Holy shit!”
    Morgan waved them over. Clive and Billy sidled up, looking side to side as they sought out the source of the gunfire. Morgan spoke, his voice low and deadly, “Get her inside and safe. Get those yahoos taking pictures either back in the bar or out of here. Tell them it was some kids playing a joke on the old biker farts. Tell ‘em it was BB guns. Whatever, I don’t give a fuck! Tell them anything, but get them quieted down now.”
    “On it,” Clive said, and reached for Katie.
    Katie pulled her arms out of Clive’s reach and turned to Morgan. “Where are you going?”
    His mouth was a hard line and there were red patches on both his cheeks. “To see Craig and find out what the fuck he did now.”
    “That wasn’t Craig,” she said shakily.
    “Maybe not behind the wheel, but I’m willing to bet he had something to do with it.”
    Katie took a deep breath and set her feet. She couldn’t shake the shock exploding inside of her. “It’s not Craig,” she repeated.
    Morgan didn’t answer as he grabbed one of the guns and checked to see if it was loaded.
    “You know that car belongs to my father’s company.” Katie watched him pause, and all three sets of eyes zoomed in on her. “I-I would recognize one of his company fleet anywhere. An-and that guy hanging out the window, I’ve seen him around too. He used to show up in the office every once in a while. It wasn’t Craig. Those were my father’s guys.”
    Clive shook his head, not interested in what she had to say. He turned to the club president.
    Morgan sighed, refusing to look at Katie as he spoke, “Craig threatened to take out this whole crew. What better way to do it and make some money than to work with Katie’s father? Now go.”
    Billy muttered a few curses. “Come on, Katie. I’ll have Jack make you a drink.” He nodded at Clive. “You go with Morgan.” Billy propelled Katie across the lot.
    She followed, gawking at Morgan, her head turning almost painfully on her neck as she went. Her feet dragged, but she went. Her thoughts tumbled around her brain and she couldn’t put them in any kind of order. Was Craig working with her father? Why would he do that? Could he really betray Morgan to that extent? Why not? He tried to take you down.
    In the bar, Billy sat her at the counter. Jack slid a tumbler of whiskey with a perfect little slice of lemon over to her. She managed a smile. “You remembered.”
    Jack chuckled, “I remember everything. I have one of those eidetic memories. People think that’s bullshit, but it isn’t. I can tell you that the first day you walked in here, you had your hair in one of those fancy little braids, and you wore a pair of really wide white pants. They’re called Palazzo pants but I think they’re ugly as hell and why any woman, even one as capable as you are of pulling that off, would want to wear them is beyond me.”
    She pressed her lips together, thankful for the distraction. “You know your fashion.”
    “Don’t say it like that. It’s not a homosexual thing. It’s a memory thing. Those things were all the rage at one time, and I remember an ex of mine loved them.”
    Katie said sincerely, “I wasn’t even going to suggest you were gay.” She raised her glass and pretended not to see it shaking. “I kind of like not having a whole lemon dumped into my drink, thank you.”
    Jack winked. “It would have been bleach, not a lemon.” He smirked, but she somehow doubted he was joking, at all.
    She took a long swallow of her liquid and let it warm her throat back to feeling as she looked around at the bar. There were a few customers other than the crew, but none sat near enough to hear them speaking. She lowered her voice anyway. “Jack, is there any way to fix this thing between Morgan and Craig?’
    He polished a glass and shrugged. “I heard he kidnapped you.”
    She sighed. “He did. Scared

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