Black August
stub she surveyed her light summer frock angrily. Two large yellow burns showed right in the middle of it.
    â€˜Ruined, my dear—ruined!’ she exclaimed wildly in her rather high-pitched voice. ‘How absolutely
maddening—and the rag’s not even paid for!’
    â€˜Poor darling,’ Fiona consoled her, ‘but you can have it dyed, I’ve got quite used to that sort of thing since I married Peter.’
    â€˜I know, sweet—you’ve been an absolute angel, but I just can’t wear dyed clothes.’
    â€˜I do wish you’d be sensible. How you can keep on running up these awful bills, I can’t think.’
    â€˜Madness, isn’t it.
threatened to writ me last week!’
    â€˜Did she? My dear, if I were in your shoes I shouldn’t be able to sleep a wink.’
    â€˜I don’t, darling, at times I squirrel terrifically, but let’s face it—if you’re not a beauty, clothes do count.’
    â€˜What nonsense—you’re, lovely!’
    Veronica tapped her high, arched nose. ‘Good old mountain goat, lovie.’
    â€˜How absurd—who wants stupid doll-like prettiness anyhow. You’ve got the most shapely head I’ve ever seen, a figure like a sylph and the loveliest pair of legs in London. Besides you’re the most amusing person in the world to talk to and men adore that!’
    â€˜Oh, I can get away with murder among the males.’
    â€˜Well, what are you grumbling about then?’
    â€˜Clothes, dearie, clothes, an’ ’ow ter pay me bills!’
    â€˜Must you have so many?’
    â€˜Yus! All part of the gime, lovie.’
    Fiona nodded. ‘I don’t blame you really because you’ve got such marvellous taste. I expect I should be the same if I looked so devastatingly
But can’t you get papa to increase your allowance?’
    â€˜Not a hope, darling; Herbert is broke to the wide. I cornered the old boy at Holkenham after he’d been at Bronson’s ‘96 port, but it wasn’t any earthly use.’
    â€˜But he must have a pretty big income still.’
    â€˜He swears he hasn’t a bob. It would be different if we could persuade him to close down Banners. That place positively eats money, but he wont. He says it is unfitting that he should add to the number of the unemployed.’
    â€˜It’s a pity that some of these beastly Communists can’t hear him!’
    â€˜Oh, it’s not only that, my dear, he gets all Ducal too! “As long as there has been a Burminster, Banners has been the centre of life for three counties. The Monarch would be most displeased, I’m sure.” Then I just hoot with laughter. You know what a little round fat man Herbert is, and he’s just too comic for words when he starts to take himself seriously. No, darling—I’m afraid it’s got to be the Purple Monkey in the end!’
    â€˜Darling, why not? He’s got a delicious wit, really artistic taste, and we could have a bedspread sewn with diamonds. What more does any girl want?’
    â€˜Someone to be really fond of—don’t you think?’
    â€˜What rippling rot, Fiona. Everybody gets divorced after two years these days.’
    â€˜Ugh!’ Fiona gave a little shudder. ‘Just to think of that blue chin pressed against my neck makes me sick—and he’s old enough to be your father—you simply couldn’t!’
    Veronica leaned back and gave a shout of laughter. ‘You pet!—how gloriously serious you are!’
    â€˜I detest lecherous old men.’
    â€˜I don’t—they amuse me. Besides he’s no age really—forty-five perhaps. Anyhow I should
him and have dozens of handsome young lovers!’
    â€˜How’s Alistair, as mad about you as ever?’
    â€˜Yes, poor lamb—and I thank you, my love, Major Hay-Symple is in

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