Blaze of Winter: A Loveswept Contemporary Romance

Blaze of Winter: A Loveswept Contemporary Romance by Elisabeth Barrett Page B

Book: Blaze of Winter: A Loveswept Contemporary Romance by Elisabeth Barrett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elisabeth Barrett
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Contemporary, Contemporary Women
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see.” Of course he wouldn’t be worried about himself. It was all too clear that he could take care of his own safety. Embarrassed by how poorly prepared she was for this situation, she studied the intricate molding on the ceiling. “At any rate, I don’t even know where the front door key is. I’ll have to get Luke Bedwin from the hardware store here to take a look.”
    “Do that,” he said, his voice tight. “Preferably tomorrow.”
    “Tomorrow,” she agreed.
    “And you need to call Cole tonight to report this.”
    She sighed heavily. “Fine.” She walked back to the foyer, Theo following closely behind. When she reached the reception desk, she picked up the phone and dialed the Sheriff’s Department. Rhonda Lee, the secretary and dispatcher, picked up on the second ring.
    “Star Harbor Sheriff’s Department, Rhonda Lee speaking. State your name, location, and the nature of the emergency.”
    “Hi, Rhonda Lee, it’s Avery Newbridge at the Inn,” she said, picturing the woman with her poufy blond halo of hair. Kate had introduced them at the hardware store the other day when they were buying a power strip for the Inn. “No emergency, but I’m calling to report a possible break-in.” Theo’s brows furrowed. “Er, make that an actual break-in.” She frowned back at him.
    “Okay, Avery,” Rhonda Lee said. “Are you safe? Is the place secure?”
    “Yes. Theo Grayson’s here with me and whoever it was is gone.”
    “Okay.” She heard a keyboard clicking in the background. “Hank Jacobs is on duty tonight. I’ll send him over to take a look.”
    “Thank you. I appreciate it.”
    “No problem, honey. He’ll be there in two.”
    Avery hung up the phone and leaned against the desk. “Deputy Jacobs is coming.”
    Theo nodded and assumed an identical position right next to her. “I’ll wait here with you.”
    “You don’t have to,” she said, standing upright.
    He gave her an even look, his gaze steady and firm. “Yeah, I do.”
    They waited there in silence for several awkward minutes, until a rap sounded on the door. Avery went to open it.
    A good-looking man with dark blond hair stood there in the heavy snowfall. “Ms. Newbridge,” Deputy Jacobs said, tipping his cap at her.
    “Thank you for showing up so quickly. I’m sorry to bring you out on a night like tonight. Please come in.”
    “Thanks.” He stepped in and shook off his coat. “Where did the incident occur?”
    “Back here.” She led him through the corridor, Theo trailing behind. She couldn’t help but notice that while Hank wasn’t a small man, Theo dwarfed him.
    Fifteen minutes later, Hank had what he needed to make his report. He’d come to the same conclusion as Theo—one person had forced entry and then returned the way he’d come, right back into the woods. Nothing seemed to be missing or out of place, so Hank left after telling her to have the lock repaired in the morning. And to start locking up at night.
    “Well, that was useless,” Avery said as soon as Hank left. “He said exactly what you did.” She crossed her arms under her chest and looked at Theo crossly.
    “Well, I’m a smart guy.” He stepped toward her. “Now, where were we?” he said huskily.
    She took a quick step back. “I was just leaving.” She knew she should ask if he needed anything else, but she was almost afraid of what his answer might be. Before he could respond, she grabbed her coat off the desk and opened the front door, not even bothering to throw it on.
    “Good night,” she said, stepping into the cold, wet snow.
    “I’m walking you home, so you might as well put on your coat.”
    She stiffened at his tone but did as he asked. There was no way she was going to be able to stop him after what had just happened, and she didn’t need to freeze just to get away from him.
    They walked back to Kate’s house in silence, his strong hand in hers. Despite the tension between them, she couldn’t deny that she felt safe with

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