Blood Awakening

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Book: Blood Awakening by Tessa Dawn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tessa Dawn
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal
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readily apparent. My brother, are you okay?
    Marquis scowled then. You and Nachari—you both
ask such inconsequential questions!
    Kagen didn’t respond to the derisive remark. More
than likely, he understood.
    All of Marquis’s brothers understood him—even if
they didn’t always appreciate his personality—and they were smart enough to
know when to back off, that there was nothing they could do when he didn’t want
their help. Marquis prayed Kagen would just leave it alone.
    Kagen turned to Kristina then. “Welcome... little
sister is nice to see you again; we need to get you inside so we can
attend to your wounds.”
    Kristina looked like a deer caught in the
headlights as she slowly nodded and began to follow Kagen inside.
    “I’ll be there in a while,” Marquis whispered.
    Kagen stopped walking then. He squared his
shoulders to Marquis and just glared at him...speechless.
    Though it was very poor manners—if not downright
disrespectful—Marquis didn’t have the time…or the ability…to deal with Kagen’s
confusion right now. Desperate to head any inquiry off at the pass, he delved
into his brother’s thoughts, hoping to put the healer’s concerns to rest before
an uncomfortable conversation ensued.
    Kagen was thinking about the one—and only—opportunity
a male vampire had in a lifetime to start a family. To find a mate. To atone
for the sins of his forefathers and once and for all live free of the Curse. Following
the Blood Moon, a male had only thirty days to secure his live or
die...and consequently, the territorial instincts of a male who had just
discovered his destiny were as powerful as they were overwhelming. It
was simply unheard of for such a male to leave the female’s side so soon after
the Omen. And as for leaving her alone in an enclosed space with another male? Whether
that male was a friend or a brother, it just wasn’t done.
    Ever .
    As far as Kagen was concerned, Marquis should have
been edgy, defensive, and overbearing right now. If anything, he expected
Marquis to shackle his destiny to his wrist, to drag her indoors, cursing
and fighting every step of the way, especially considering the warrior’s
complete lack of tact. Kagen knew something was wrong.
    And because it was such a volatile time, he was
worried to death about his eldest brother.
    Do not waste your energy concerning yourself
with such things, Kagen, Marquis advised. Please, just take my destiny inside and see to her wounds. I will be there shortly: I promise.
    Kagen looked surprised, and then he nodded. Very
well, Marquis…but hear this: You are the most honored amongst our family, and I
understand that this is a very pivotal…and difficult…night for you. And I also
know that you have a habit of checking up on all of your brothers by brushing
our minds from time to time. That is simply your way, and we all accept it. However,
should you ever retrieve my thoughts again without my permission, you and I
will have a very serious problem.
    Marquis snorted and frowned. Kagen was right, of
course. Etiquette amongst the males in the house of Jadon was paramount. Sacred .
    Oh well , his silence was the only
acknowledgment Kagen was going to get and as close to an apology as Marquis would
    Understanding, Kagen turned to Kristina and
gestured toward the clinic. “Shall we?”
    As they began to walk away, Kristina looked over
her shoulder at Marquis, her deep blue eyes wide with shock. When their gazes finally
met, a deep sorrow passed between them.
    Marquis quickly looked away. This was all wrong. This
was all so absolutely, positively...inexcusably...wrong!
    After all this time—serving his people honorably,
living for his brothers, enduring century after century alone; after watching
his beloved mother, Serena, die; his best friend and father, Keitaro, disappear;
and the joy of his heart—his youngest brother, Shelby—slain by the Blood Curse;
this was

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