Blood Bride (Aarabassa World)

Blood Bride (Aarabassa World) by Catherine L Vickers Page B

Book: Blood Bride (Aarabassa World) by Catherine L Vickers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Catherine L Vickers
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has ever been to the bottom and survived to tell the tale. Thus, no one knows the true depth of this eerie pond. Tales have emerged of long necked grey monsters rearing up through the surface to show giant ugly heads, and then disappearing down into the deep endless depths of the boggy waters. Some say these waters are an underwater entrance to the Darklands Archeronian Oceans, though never proved. Travelers will not linger long anywhere close to the lagoons sandy shores.  
    However, Leon being a young man of brave stature did not care to listen to tales told to frighten children. He decided to camp on the beach of the lagoon that very night. With absolutely no regrets upon this decision. He doused out his small cooking fire and stretched out his grey canvas cover to rest for the moonsleep. His horse Jhapar had other ideas, he chose not to rest so close to the waters edge. Leaving his master behind, he climbed further up the embankment to a dusty barren piece of wasteland that had been colonised with colourful plants that may prove to be quite tasty.
    The sun’s rays reflected from the green current of the lagoon creating an animated ripple that danced on the surface. Feeling a little agitated Leon watched the movement on the shore of the waters. He could only sleep in the darkness as he was used to blinds cutting out the light. He was finding the light of the sun distracting. Rolling over and turning his back to the reflection of light, he felt a cold chill, as if being watched. Frizzle had originally settled down in Leon’s camp but he also had slowly edged his way towards the horse’s choice of resting place. This had not gone unnoticed and further disturbed Leon’s fitful rest. It was usual for them to sleep back to back with the comfort of each others trusting friendship. Without his back covered he felt vulnerable and presumed this was why he felt so anxious.
    Finally, burying his head under his large leather saddle, he began to fall into a false sense of relaxation. Although it was pleasantly dimmer with his eyes covered by the saddle, the sour smell of sweat and leather was quite stifling. At least the sun rays were not so bright undercover. 
    Floating into a dreamy state of unconsciousness, he slowly became confused of the passing of time and realised he was not asleep but standing in the middle of the lagoon, walking on the waters.....
    Disoriented, he sleepily staggered towards the waters edge. He could see Heather waiting for him, but the quicker he walked the further away the shoreline became......
    But, nay, he was not wandering on a lagoon but upon a black-silver ocean, searching for Heather. His hackles prickled at the back of his neck, he knew something was amiss......
    The waters churned creating a swirling pool, from its centre a gargantuan beast loomed before him drooling thick green slime between long black teeth and roaring with the bellow of a thousand trumpets. The stench of its breath was of decay and death itself. Quickly, he drew his sword, offering a duel. The beast opened its enormous wide jaws showing rows of sharpened blood dripping teeth. With no warning, the beast swallowed Leon completely, gurgling him deep into its acidy guts.....
    The sound of creaking bones and swirling water, filled Leon’s eardrums. He waded through knee-deep stinging, stinking yellow acid water. Tiny plankton nibbled at his legs causing his skin to burn with little hot pinpricks. He waded towards a wall of tall dark cliff edges where he could see the shape of a dark opening. Reaching this entrance, he followed a damp cold passageway that echoed with the sound of dripping water and swirling pockets of wind.....
    He reached a large opening in the floor, a bottomless black well. Peering into it, he toppled down. Floating in darkness, not knowing or even caring for his fate, it seemed an endless fall until, gently, he landed on a ledge revealing the opening of another long narrow tunnel. Clambering, with blood

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