Blood of Egypt (Witch Fairy Book 8)

Blood of Egypt (Witch Fairy Book 8) by Bonnie Lamer Page B

Book: Blood of Egypt (Witch Fairy Book 8) by Bonnie Lamer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bonnie Lamer
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    Dropping his arms to his side, Kallen says, “We should be going.  We do not want our hosts to think we have forgotten about them.”
    Or think that we’re taking too long because we’re up here having sex.  And now here comes another blush.  Great.  I nod and turn around.  “Okay.”  Kallen takes my hand in his and we walk downstairs.
    Eliana and Josh are waiting for us in the living room.  “Ready to go?” Eliana asks.
    “Yes, we are,” Kallen says.  His voice and speech patterns always seem more formal when we’re in my realm for some reason.  Probably because he’s the only one who doesn’t use contractions.
    “There may be something more interesting that we can do besides go to a café,” Josh says with a mischievous grin.
    “Josh,” Eliana admonishes quietly.  “We need more time to get to know each other first.”  That moves my curiosity up a few notches.
    He puts an arm around her but continues.  “Eliana is afraid you’ll think this is too pushy, but we were talking about how we know so little about your magic and you know so little about hers.  I’m hoping to rectify that while we get to know each other better.”
    Kallen is instantly on alert.  “What are you suggesting?”
    Eliana’s cheeks are pink now.  “He wants us to go to a remote area of the desert where I normally practice and compare our magic.”
    Hmm.  That could be interesting.  I’ve often thought that someone should catalog the magical powers of different beings so I know upfront what I’m getting into if I have to stand against them.  Being ignorant has certainly not been helpful.  Not to mention I’m really curious about Eliana’s power.  “Okay,” I say with a smile.
    “Xandra, this might not be wise…” Kallen starts.
    “Oh come on, I know you’re just as curious as I am.”
    “That may be,” he acknowledges.  “That does not change the many reasons why this is not a good idea.  What if we are seen by Cowans?  What if your magic spirals out of control and you destroy the ancient sites you have come to see?”
    I glower at him for that one.  Shaking my head, I grumble, “You worry way too much.”  Turning to Josh, I ask, “Do you know a place that’s remote enough to do this?”  I can feel Kallen scowling at the back of my head.
    “We do.  There’s a place Eliana and I go so she can hone her skills.”  If it’s remote enough for her powers, then it should be remote enough for mine.  Though the possibility that I will create a natural disaster large enough to level the pyramids is there, I’m sure Kallen will help make sure that doesn’t happen.  Even if he’s not very happy at the moment.

    Chapter 14
    When Josh said remote, he truly meant remote.  We haven’t seen signs of civilization, including roads, in over half an hour.  Yet, he keeps driving.  Good thing I can teleport just in case they decide to leave us out here.
    Ten minutes later he finally stops the Land Rover in the middle of the desert.  “This is it,” he says opening his door.
    To me, it looks like any other part of the desert we’ve passed.  “You come to this place over and over?  How do you find it?”
    “Global GPS,” he says, tapping on a small computer screen on the dashboard.  “The closest oasis is thirty miles from here.  Not many people are going to stray that far from civilization into a desert.”
    “Except us,” Eliana laughs.  “Must be the magic that makes us crazy enough to do it.”
    “Magic has made me do a lot of crazy stuff lately, so I think you’re right,” I say with a smile.  I open my door and realize just how hard the air conditioning in the Land Rover has been working.  It’s just a little past noon, so the sun is high in the sky and blasting the desert with its strongest rays.  When I put my sandaled foot in the

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