Darius advice on how to handle that bully.”
“I can show him more self-defense moves,” Jack says. “That bully, what’s his name?”
“Bao,” I say.
“Yeah, that Bao is a big kid, and at least three inches taller,” Jack says. “The best way for Darius to stand up against Normals like that is to get off the Reds and let nature take its course.”
Mom looks to me. “We agreed to wait until you were at least sixteen.”
“I know; he’s only suggesting it as one option.”
“Well, I’m not ready for you to transform.”
“If it’s about the government subsidy, I have money,” Jack says.
It’s interesting to watch their sibling dynamics. My mom is meek around her older brother. She seems to consider his advice. Then she pushes back.
“It’s not about money. Your money isn’t the solution to everything,” Mom says. “Darius can wait one more year. Can’t you teach him how to fight off this bully?”
“It’s not only the bully I’m worried about,” Jack says. “It’s the girl.”
Mom turns and looks right at me. “What girl, Angel?”
“No, there’s a new girl at school. Her name is Shelby,” I explain.
“She’s a Goth who’s transforming into a Vampire. She’s attracted to your son,” Jack says. “You know what that’s like, Virginia.”
Mom bites her lower lip and seems to reflect on her own transformation. For a moment she’s lost in thought, then she finally sighs and says, “Yes, I was a teen Goth at one time—”
“And you know it takes months after stepping off the Reds for a Goth to transform into a Vampire,” Jack says. “If you’re willing to speed up the transformation, I can order some Blood Orange Soda for Darius.”
“What’s Blood Orange Soda?” I ask.
“It’s a potion that would speed up your transformation,” Jack says. “Why wait months to transform when I can make you a Vampire in weeks?”
There are supposed to be elixirs that dilute the effects of the Reds. They have exotic names like Blood Shot, Venom and Cherry Dust. I always thought that people juicing on these drinks were really taking mild steroids, that the hype was much more of an urban legend.
Mom remains silent as I fidget with the bottle of water and glance at each of them before she says, “Darius, it’s time to go. Why don’t you leave Uncle Jack and me alone for a few minutes, and I’ll meet you at the car?”
“We have to work on your self-defense moves,” Jack says. “Now that Bao knows your fighting style, you have to switch it up. Come back next week and we’ll work on it.”
“See you later, Jack,” I say, zipping my coat.
Walking out of Jack’s loft alone, I hear them arguing through the door. Whenever Jack and Mom have a private conversation, they revert to their native language, which is German. I recognize a few words like lieben , which is love and geschlechtsverkehr , which is sex.
My mom wants to protect me, and Jack has concerns for me, too, but they obviously have different opinions on how to raise a Goth kid of the New Millennium.
On the drive home, I’m riding shotgun instead of driving. Mom grips the steering wheel tightly and I know she’s thinking about what Jack suggested to her, that I get off the Reds and speed up my transformation. Mom is usually the one peppering me with questions. This time we’re alone in the car, and I feel like I can ask her almost anything.
“Jack told me more about the ‘birds, bees and biting’,” I say.
She raises an eyebrow. “Really? What version did he give you?”
“He explained how biting only transforms people into Vampires if the Bitten feels love for the Biter.”
“Oh,” she says quietly. “So you have questions for me?”
“Yeah, several,” I say. “My questions have to do with Dad.”
“You’re old enough now, go ahead and ask,” she says, gripping the steering wheel tighter.
“You were born a Vampire and you married Dad, who was a Normal. How come you didn’t bite him as
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