Blue Thunder

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Book: Blue Thunder by Spangaloo Publishing Read Free Book Online
Authors: Spangaloo Publishing
Tags: Romance, civil war
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inquired his
father as he sat, crossed legged, lighting his pipe.
    “No, he is helping the women plant the
    Dasodaha blew out the smoke with a
disgruntled puff. “You brother would much rather
    harvest and study the stars at night than to
ride with his peers.” He shook his head. “Where did I go
    Blue Thunder threw back his head and roared
with laughter. “Father, you are too hard on the boy. He is
different, I agree, but he is special, and he is from your loins”
he chuckled knowing his teasing only annoyed his father
    Dasodaha waved him away and closed his
    Blue Thunder was dismissed
without another lecture on respecting his elders. Once outside, his
dog, Licks Too Much, ran up to his master. He hankered to the
mutt’s level and scratched behind the ear. “ Hon Dah Licks Too Much,” he laughed
when the dog did what he was named for and Blue Thunder tried to
push the canine away. “Yuuuck! Sit boy. I had my swim this morning,
I do not need another face washing,” he chuckled, and stood. The
dog pounced around him.
    Blue Thunder knew he shouldn’t have gotten
so attached to the animal, but the mutt had been with him since he
was eighteen summers. Dogs were raised for meat among some of the
clans, and when he and his father visited another tribe, the pup
was caged along with others. Blue Thunder couldn’t resist going
over and putting his hand through the cage. The pup immediately ran
over and slobbered all over his fingers. It was love at first
sight. Dasodaha had to do much
    trading for the dog and he was not pleased,
either. But Blue Thunder promised to make it up and bring home many
deer and buffalo hides and meat to pacify the old man.
    “Come, boy, we must see that Laughing Tree
tends to you while I am gone. I do not want you to wind up in
someone’s belly while I am away,” he chuckled lightly at his own
banter. The
    dog barked as if to agree with him. He
continued to laugh. “But, old friend, I do not think you have to
worry much. I am sure you are too old and you hide is too
    Licks Too Much growled at his remark, then
ran ahead to show his master he was still full of spunk.
    Blue Thunder called to his aunt.
    “Come in nephew.” Like her brother Dasodaha,
she learned little English; and claimed to be too old. Blue Thunder
had reminded her many times that she is not like Licks Too Much;
and that she can learn to master the language. The older woman was
sitting by the pit, working on a new dress Blue Thunder assumed was
for her daughter, Little Turtle. He kissed her weather-beaten
cheeks and sat beside her, fingering the fawn-colored hide. She was
still comely for a woman of many summers; her long ebony hair
showed only a few silver strands. Her dark eyes were still clear
with wisdom and she was well respected by the tribe.
    “You still do the finest bead work in the
whole tribe, more so than the young maidens, aunt.” He saw her
blush. She was modest about her skill and it annoyed him that
Little Turtle never helped. That thought made him asked, “Where’s
Little Turtle?”
    Laughing Tree shrugged and he now regretted
asking, knowing the answer. She was probably visiting another
village and another brave’s mat. But he couldn’t condemn the girl,
since they were also lovers. He quickly changed the subject. “Will
my aunt feed and look after Licks Too Much when I am gone?”
    Laughing Tree nodded. “Nephew never has to
ask, you know I like your dog as much as you do.”
    “Yes, I wish my father felt the same,” he
touched her arm, tenderly. “Aunt has a good heart, not stubborn
like her brother.” That remark brought fourth a smile, making her
eyes crinkle with laughter.
    She snorted, “My brother, the chief was
behind a tree when the god’s handed out
    compassion,” she chuckled. He knew she was
teasing. His father maybe set in his ways, but he does have a good
heart, just tougher. Before he left the wickiup, the dog was
allowed in and

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