Bluegrass Seduction (The Bluegrass Billionaire Trilogy Book 1)
arms held me against him, his hands fondling my breasts and his mouth kissing the soft flesh beneath my earlobe. I had never experienced anything close to the sensations he was awakening within me.
    Still seated against him, he used one hand to part my legs and stroked me, pulling me tightly against the hardness pressing against my ass. I was being fondled from both sides and it was the most intense sense of being protected I’d ever felt. “Auggie,” he whispered, but not to me. More like he was assuring himself that I was there, in his arms, adhered to his body.
    As the quickening began, my breathing became fast and I heard myself mewling like a kitten. I pushed against his penetrating finger in an effort to find my release, needing it harder, deeper. He would not grant it, not so easily.
    He plunged a second finger inside me and twisted them, pressing right against the bundled nerves deep within my core. I came, hard and fast, caught by surprise by the suddenness of it.
    “That’s my girl,” he growled.
    In one deft move, I found myself lying on the bed, the light from the nightstand illuminating the fiercely possessive look upon his face as he raised himself over me, his eyes trailing over my body as he rolled a condom down his length.
    In a sharp thrust, he was inside me and had caught my hands, forcing them over my head. In the dimness of the room, I could just make out the glitter of his eyes, but the desire I saw there caused me to lose my breath.
    I couldn’t keep my eyes open, so I let them drift closed. I was compelled to blank out the visual and live in the world that was touch and smell. His aftershave was organic and familiar, as nostalgic as the smell of my horse. As Worth rode me, I fantasized that we were aboard Carlos, making love as we galloped through a vast wilderness. In my blindness, I imagined I was lying naked astride my horse’s strong back with this man driving himself into me. Every so often, he would leap, his hooves going airborne as Worth held me fast and hard. It was power incarnate and I knew in that moment, I’d met the culmination of everything I’d ever dreamed.
    Our bodies were slick with sweat as they glided together in a world belonging only to us. His hips slammed against mine one last time, driving him deeper, pressing the base of his cock hard against my clit. A low, harsh noise left his throat as he came, his dick jerking and pulsing inside me.
    As he stiffened, I opened my eyes long enough to see his head fall back, his mouth open and those mocking eyes close in exultation as the electricity passed between us. The vision of his internal transport brought me to climax and I cried out my release. He captured the sound in his mouth.
    When he finally fell to my side and held me in his arms, tears of passion and happiness flowed down my cheeks. “My god, but your eyes are like looking into the ocean,” he whispered and tenderly kissed the tears until, with a palpable desperation, he kissed my mouth… hard. It was not a kiss to render excitement, but one of laying claim. I gave it willingly and there was a knowing that passed between us. We had crossed a finish line and decided to share in the win. It was that moment when “I” became “we” and the two of us would never separate in this world. I somehow knew it. We hadn’t known each other for long, but it didn’t matter. I felt complete.

    T he sun once again stole its way between the drapes, but this time, the burning came from within. I recognized it as desire. This was unlike me. The adornments of the night never interested me in the daylight. They were disposable, like the tiny bottles from the mini bar glittering on the floor. As I focused, I made out that there were, indeed, things glittering on the floor but they were her diamond-headed pins, not broken shards of glass from bottles heaved against a wall in drunken disgust.
    She lay against me, her mouth slightly opened in a pout of

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