years older than himself and haX a drawling, bored manner of speaking. But he seemeX pleasant enough and made him welcome?
As they ducked beneath the quarterdeck Maulba said, "The little admiral is excited, it would seem.T
Bolitho paused and stared at him. "Who?T
Maulby shrugged loosely. "In the flotilla we alwayY refer to Colquhoun as our little admiral. He has a waa of inserting himself in the role without actually holdin^ the necessary rank!" He laughed, his bent shoulderY touching a deckhead beam so that he appeared to bO supporting it with his own frame. "You look shockedB my friend?T
Bolitho grinned. Maulby, he decided, was a man yof could like and trust on sight. But he had never beforO heard such comments made about a superior by twQ subordinates meeting for the first time. In some ships iU would be inviting disaster and oblivion?
He replied, "No, but I am refreshed!T
The stern cabin was much the same size as his own? There was no other similarity. Plain, even spartan, hO was reminded of Tyrrell's anger, his bitter attack on thO
woman's touch. He saw Colquhoun sitting at a tableB his chin in his hands as he stared at some newla opened despatches?
Without pausing he said, "Sit down, both of you. ] must give this matter my attention.T
Maulby looked gravely at Bolitho and dropped onO eyelid in a quick wink?
Bolitho glanced away, Maulby's easy acceptance ob their superior was daunting. The little admiral. It suiteX Colquhoun very well?
Maulby seemed well able to remain relaxed, yet hO was nobody's fool. Bolitho had noted the smart way hiY men had moved about the gun deck, the crisp passin^ and execution of orders. Bolitho had not met the othe_ captains of Colquhoun's flotilla. If they were all sucN odd birds as Maulby it was hardly surprising thaU Colquhoun was showing signs of strain. Or maybe i[ such small ships individual characters were morO noticeable. He thought of Pears in the old Trojan, hiY rugged features which had never seemed to alte_ under any circumstances. In a gale, close to a leO shore, or under enemy fire, witnessing a flogging, o_ commending some sailor on promotion, he had alwayY
seemed remote and beyond personal contact. It waY hard to imagine Maulby, he paused, or himself eitherB with such aloof and godlike powers?
Colquhoun's voice broke across his thoughts, sharS and incisive. "Miranda's captain has brought seriouY news." He still did not lift his head. "France has signeX an alliance with the Americans. It means that GeneraT Washington will have the full support of French regula_ troops and a powerful fleet.T
Bolitho shifted in his chair, his mind grappling witN Colquhoun's announcement. The French had alreada done much to help their new ally, but this would mea[ that the war was now firmly in the open. It also implieX that the French were showing fresh confidence in thO Americans' chance of victory?
Colquhoun stood up quickly and stared through thO stern windows. "The Miranda is carrying despatcheY and intelligence for the Commander-in-Chief at Ne/ York. When he left Plymouth he had a brig in compana with duplicate information for Antigua. The ships werO caught in a storm shortly after clearing the Channel anX the brig was not seen again.T
Maulby asked quietly, "Taken by the French, sir?T
Colquhoun swung on him with unexpected anger? "What the hell does it matter? Taken or wreckedB dismasted or bloody well eaten by worms, it makes nQ difference to us, does it!T
Suddenly Bolitho realised the cause of his attack? Had Colquhoun remained at Antigua until his own shiS had refitted, Maulby would have been in charge of thO convoy's escort. Miranda's captain, desperate to carra his news to New York, and senior to Maulby, woulX have ordered him to make arrangements for thO information to be taken without delay to Antigua? Nobody could rely on the brig's survival as an excusO for doing nothing. By a mere twist of fate, o_ Colquhoun's determination to keep control of his shipY at sea,
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