Boots and Twisters

Boots and Twisters by Myla Jackson Page B

Book: Boots and Twisters by Myla Jackson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Myla Jackson
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Western
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Lucky, I haven’t told my partner about you yet. I thought I’d give you a chance to show him what you’re made of before I break it to him that I’ve hired a ranch hand.”
    Lucky pulled free of his hand. “You haven’t told him?”
    “And he won’t like it that you’ve hired a woman. Most cowboys wouldn’t.” It was a statement, not a question.
    Isaac winked. “You got it. Thus the need to show him you can handle the work before he has a chance to say no.”
    “Does he make all the decisions?”
    “No, but it helps to get his buy-in. He can be cranky when he wants to be.” Isaac stood, pulled her to her feet and snagged her duffle bag.
    “I’ll consider myself warned.” Lucky followed Isaac up the stairs. “And don’t worry. I’m a very good ranch hand.”
    “I’m counting on it.” Isaac slipped an arm around her waist and ushered her into the house. “And you’re much better looking than any of the other hands on any ranch I’ve ever been to.”
    Isaac had to admit to himself he’d hired Lucky on a lark, partly because they needed a ranch hand, but mostly because he knew the fact she was female would get under his brother’s skin.
    But now that he knew she was honest enough to own up to the baggage that came with her, he liked her even more. What a bunch of horseshit the last town she’d lived in had heaped onto her. No one deserved to be kicked out of town for a bad streak of luck.
    Lucky seemed genuine, just the type of girl Isaac had searched for all his life and that even Trent had said he was looking for. No pretense, no frills, pretty without being conscious of the fact, and a good hard worker.
    Yeah, his and Trent’s luck was about to change and he looked forward to having Lucky around making it happen. And if he could steal another kiss from her and maybe more, well, that was just icing on the cake.
    Lucky followed Isaac to the last bedroom at the end of the hallway, her mind on the kiss and the way Isaac made her feel when he held her in his arms—safe and warm, and burning hot at the same time. The cowboy from earlier that evening had left her feeling hot, twitchy and off balance, and yet she’d craved kisses from both men. And if she was honest with herself, a whole lot more. It had been a long time since she’d made love to a man.
    When Isaac pushed the door open, he left the light off. Moonlight poured through the window, filling the room with a deep blue glow. Her gaze went straight for the bed and her blood pulsed, driving heat to her belly and lower.
    He applied a slight pressure to the small of her back, ushering her through the doorway. “If you need anything, my room is right across the hall.” He turned her, his hand sliding around to her hip. “And I mean anything.”
    “Even a kiss?” she said, before she could think about what she was starting.
    He smiled. “That goes without saying.” He bent, his mouth coming down over hers, his lips claiming hers in a sensuous stroke.
    She leaned up on her toes, her fingers circling the back of his neck, urging him closer. Lucky parted her lips, allowing his tongue inside to glide along hers. He tasted of mint.
    He cupped her bottom and lifted her, wrapping her legs around him, pressing her breasts against his chest. “Stop me if I’m going too fast.”
    For a moment she considered it, but after the craziness of the day, she needed to feel wanted, and wanted to feel needed. “What if your partner wakes?”
    “Let him get his own woman.”
    “Isaac.” Lucky braced her hands on either side of his face. “Just for the record, I’m not your woman.”
    He grinned. “I’m sorry. You’re right and I know that.” His grin faded. “So what is this?”
    “Two people taking advantage of moonlight?”
    “Works for me.” He kicked the door shut behind them. “And maybe when we get to know each other better, I’ll convince you otherwise.”
    He laid her in the middle of the bed and pushed her tank top up,

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