Jeff’s drawing of us. I smile. He really does have talent. I hope he gets the chance to do something with it. I know I should throw it away. I can’t allow myself this attachment to this picture. Even small things can bind you. But when I put my hand to the paper to crumple it up, my fingers shake but they don’t close. I can’t do it. I pick up the paper and open the top drawer by my bed. Inside are all the notes that Caden has ever sent to me as well as unopened greeting cards that I have collected for the poems written inside. Maybe I can keep it for a while. Just a while. As I slip the drawing inside, my eye catches on a note.
Entrance to Cherry Farm Park, Thursday, 3pm.
I remember this note. It was Caden’s second note. It was also the first note that he had managed to slip into my bag. I don’t know how it had gotten there. All I know is that the note wasn’t in my bag at the beginning of the day. But when I got home, it was. I had racked my brain over when it could have happened. Maybe at the coffee shop where I stopped on my way to work. Maybe the grocery store where I bought my food. Hell, he could have slipped it into my bag while I was standing at the lights, his hands so close he could have touched me, his nose so close he could have smelled me. I still don’t know how the hell he managed to get it in there without me seeing him. And he won’t tell me when I ask even now. He just gets that cheeky shit-eating grin that he gets when I ask him something he doesn’t want to answer. Then he kisses me and that distracts me enough to forget what I had just asked. Hell, I forget my own name when Caden kisses me. I know I should have been terrified that Caden knew where to find me that day. That he knew exactly where I was going to be. Instead, like an idiot, it thrills me. The thought that he had at some time been close enough to touch me without my knowing makes me dizzy. Even now, I imagine that he is watching me like an angel protector. I fall sleep thinking of Cherry Farm Park, Thursday, 3pm.
Chapter 6
Six months ago
Cherry Farm Park sits in a pocket of this city’s river. It is mostly green space but dotted here and there with small well-tended patches of flowers and oak trees. Caden is already standing at the arched entrance when I arrive five minutes early. He’s dressed in dark distressed denim and a plain black shirt. Over his arm he carries the same brown leather jacket he wore the first night we met. I see his look of appreciation sweep over my skinny jeans and black silky top tied at the back of the neck with a bow. I hold my own tan leather jacket over my arm. When we walk together he takes my hand and I realize we look like one of those couples that have been together so long they dress alike. Black and denim and brown leather. “I don’t have much time today, but I thought we could get an ice cream cone each and walk along the river,” he says. “Is that okay?” I nod with enthusiasm. “I haven’t had an ice cream cone in years.” He pulls me towards the small ice cream stand by the entrance. We stand behind a mother with her three kids who take their time ordering. I stare at the stainless steel tubs filled with all different flavors. “Shall we play a game?” I say with a cheeky grin. For some reason I feel childish. Giddy like I’ve just gotten off a merry-go-round. He raises an eyebrow. “Maybe. What’s the game?” “I get to choose your ice cream and you choose mine. Then we have to explain why.” He smiles wide. “This will be interesting.” We reach the front of the line and I point to the tub filled with pale green ice cream, thick with nutty pieces. “Could he have the pistachio, please?” I glance over at Cade. He is looking at me with amused curiosity. He looks only at me, even as the girl behind the counter scoops up the ice cream and hands it to him. He glances at the alien-looking scoop then raises an eyebrow at me. I smile