Bound by Revenge (Guardian Series)

Bound by Revenge (Guardian Series) by Jennifer Thibeault Page B

Book: Bound by Revenge (Guardian Series) by Jennifer Thibeault Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Thibeault
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    “They’re a mutation of the demonic species. Some of the oldest demons created were not quite as stable as the demons that are around today. Not until about a thousand years ago, did the creators perfect the species.” Bradley began the story that very few immortals had ever heard.
    “All those that were created before that time began to degenerate after about two hundred years. Since they lived among humans, they began to take on some of the human’s characteristics which allowed them to begin interbreeding the species. With each generation, the mutations spread. It created a whole new species, many of whom have the sole desire to find a way to live freely on the earth, so they no longer have to hide who they really are.”
    “That seems fair. I wouldn’t want to have to hide away, either.” Alex piped in.
    “While demons look just like humans and can walk among them indiscernible, this mutated species, who refer to themselves as leanthans, named after their “mother”, the first of the mutated demons, cannot. The leanthans, in body, are similar to humans. Their eyes, however betray their identities. The cat-like eyes of the leanthans are slightly larger than those of a human and would be obvious to anyone who knew enough to look for them.” Bradley finished his train of thought.
    “So, if we can see that they’re different, how do they run a large corporation? Wouldn’t someone notice?” Abby bit the inside of her cheek. This had to be nothing more than a pretty elaborate joke they were all playing on her. There’s no way all of this could be true. Her mind spun as she tried to file all of this new information under something that she could explain.
    “In theory, yes but sunglasses allow them to travel during the day without being spotted, but with each generation, their desire to be out in the open, living their lives freely like the humans do increases.” He quickly answered the pertinent question before returning to his tirade.
    “Unlike most immortals, the leanthans can procreate. This allows them to grow their numbers exponentially, while the demon and angel populations only grow by a few a years. At this point, no one’s even sure how many leanthans there actually are out there.”
    “I’ve heard about other species out there, but I’ve never seen them.” Sam interrupted the lecture. “How could something so dangerous be out there that without the other immortals seeing them and watching over them? And even more important, if they are descended from demons, do they have their strengths?” Sam sucked her lips back between her teeth.
    “To answer your first question, the creators made angels and demons for a distinct purpose. Going after the leanthans would be too hard to resist for any immortal worth their mettle. So they chose to keep demons and angels focused on each other.”
    “But not you?” Sam added.
    “Not me, like I said, demons and angels. I am neither.” Bradley sighed and pushed some papers around on the table.
    “There are three direct lines of the leanthans,” Bradley continued. “Lea was the first of the degenerated demons to mate with humans. Once news of her successful breeding spread, she was soon followed by Arra and Tia. Each created their own line of descendents who carry with them the strongest traits of their “mother”. Lea’s line has immeasurable strength. Arra’s line is telekinetic and Tia’s line has the power to hypnotize humans. When they work together, their army is extraordinarily powerful and hard to contain.”
    “That’s good news, then, kind of.” Vance laughed. “At least we know what to expect.” Sam kicked Vance’s foot under the table to get him to shut up so Bradley could finish.
    “As soon as they observed the threat, angels and demons joined forces to create a new species, hoping to protect humanity and keep balance in the universe. I am one of their creations. A guardian.”
    Bradley stood up, turned his back

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