Bound by the Vampire Queen

Bound by the Vampire Queen by Joey W. Hill Page B

Book: Bound by the Vampire Queen by Joey W. Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joey W. Hill
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal
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options, not in the short term. She knew they couldn’t risk coming before Council where they’d be outnumbered. They might indeed succeed in taking Kane, and she wouldn’t risk that.
    “So instead of going in a more enlightened direction, they’ve decided to tighten the reins.”
    “We shouldn’t be surprised,” she said. “Mason implied as much, based on the documents he’s been reviewing on recent Council decisions. There was the mess involving Stephen’s betrayal of Council, and Lady Barbra’s suspected involvement in it.”
    “His next Council meeting will be Mason’s first as a full member.” Though Jacob offered it as a point in their favor, it didn’t ease the pale strain in her face.
    “He can’t fight the entire Council. Cal him. Tell him if we’re delayed, he should not take Kane to that meeting under any circumstances. Provisions should be made…”
    “I'll take care of it, my lady.” Jacob nodded firmly.
    “They won’t get near him.”
    Her fingers were white on the table edge. Elijah looked between them. “Can you postpone your trip to this Otherworld?”
    “No.” Lyssa tightened her jaw. “Lord Keldwyn made it clear that they will come looking for us. That would be just as dangerous for Kane. Perhaps more so.”
    “Trapped between two crappy choices.” The majordomo passed a ham sandwich to Lyssa.
    “Sounds like a normal week for you two.” If the Council had remained in the dark about her loss of vampire powers, Mason would have been able to do what he’d intended. Recommend she be reinstated in an advisory capacity to the Council, where they could honor and benefit from her wisdom and strength, as they had for decades. Jacob knew she’d nursed that quiet hope herself, even though she hadn’t put as much faith in it as he and Mason had. Still, feeling anger on her behalf, he reached out, touched her hand.
    “Power is the true currency with vampires.” She lifted a shoulder. “I'll pen a neutral response to this before we embark on our quest tomorrow. A great many things may change before that part of things is over. It’s best not to commit to a course of action until then.” She glanced at Ingram. “Were you able to work on the project we called about?”
    “Yes, John helped. No surprise that the boy’s actually much better than his grandpa on the computer.” Ingram wiped his hands on a towel and slid a folder to her. “I spoke to the visitors’ center in Atlanta, a couple historic societies, even some of the garden clubs. While they had nothing definite, they gave us some leads and we drove around a bit, took some pictures. John also helped me put some links to satellite photos in the file that might be likely spots for what you’re seeking.” Taking a computer tablet out of the kitchen desk, he laid it at her elbow.
    “Our needle in a haystack?” Jacob asked. “The dryad in a tree?”
    “We'll see.” She sighed, turning on the screen.
    “We'll study these, and head out to look ourselves tomorrow night. After you’ve had your vampire beauty sleep.”
    “That’s right. Us young vamps need more rest than you old—”
    Jacob was quick enough to have his hand off the butcher block before the knife stabbed into the wood where it had rested. Fingers flexing on the blade, she lifted an eyebrow, her jade eyes gleaming.
    “Don’t get too confident, fledgling. Age and experience are more than capable of taking you down a peg or two.”
    He grinned, glad to see the flash of temper in her gaze. “I never forget, my lady.”
    Ingram cleared his throat. “I’d forgotten vampire flirting is a little more extreme. Or perhaps that’s just the two of you,” he added dryly. Carefully retrieving the knife, he began slicing again.
    Later that night, after taking care of some other more mundane business for her, Jacob went looking for his lady. From the way she’d looked after digesting that note, he knew she’d be walking in her rose garden, and that was where he

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