Bound by Their Kisses

Bound by Their Kisses by Marla Monroe Page A

Book: Bound by Their Kisses by Marla Monroe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marla Monroe
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance
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town or in our circle of friends would ever allow a man to treat another woman that way. If we heard about it, we’d put a stop to it,” Tag promised her.
    “Tessa. He locked you up? How? Why couldn’t you go anywhere?” Zander asked, using his finger to wipe a tear from her cheek.
    “If he was going to be out of town on business, he had a room in the basement that he’d lock me in. It was comfortable enough, I guess, but I didn’t like being down there and not be able to get out.” She heard both men growl, but she continued. “He worked from home for the most part, but occasionally had business meetings. Then he’d put a chain on my collar that kept me in the bedroom. I could get to the bathroom and there was a mini-fridge in the bedroom, but I was still on a chain and couldn’t go anywhere.”
    “I don’t fucking believe it! Is that where the little scars on your neck came from? He had a metal collar on you?” Tag demanded, lifting her hair so he could see better.
    Instantly her hands went to her neck to cover the tiny white lines that marred her skin there. She had never realized that they were that visible before or she would have never worn her hair in a ponytail.
    “I–I’d get claustrophobic sometimes and fight against it. All I did was cut myself on the rough edge of the collar. I didn’t know they were that easy to see or I would have covered them up,” she said. This time she couldn’t stop the small sob that escaped.
    “They aren’t that noticeable, kitten. Tag and I are super aware of everything about you. We knew something had happened to you by the way you avoided us and kept saying you wouldn’t be a submissive,” Zander said.
    “How long, Tessa?” Tag asked.
    She drew in a deep breath and forced her head up so she could see his eyes. “Three years. He wasn’t like that at first. When I first met him in college, he was kind and sweet. He took me out and gave me flowers and candy. I’m not even sure when he changed or when it started. After he moved in with me, I quit school to work while he finished his last year, then instead of me going back to college, I ended up staying at home to take care of him. Somewhere in all of that, I lost control of my life.”
    Tag closed his eyes, but she saw the flash of rage that filled them before he did. No doubt her weakness and susceptibility disgusted him. She knew he wouldn’t want anything to do with her now. Now when she realized that they were nothing like her ex, she was going to lose her chance at something that might have been really good. She fought back more tears and tried to get off of Tag’s lap. He tightened his hold around her and stroked her hair.
    “Easy, Tessa,” Tag said in a gruff voice.
    “Did he hurt you physically, Tessa?” Even Zander’s voice had changed. It sounded hard, cold—unyielding.
    “No. He never hit me or anything,” she said.
    “Thank God,” Tag muttered.
    “I know I was stupid for falling for him to begin with,” she began, but Zander stopped her from continuing.
    “You weren’t stupid, Tessa. Don’t ever say that. You couldn’t have known that he was playing a part to get you to accept him and even fall for him. No one would be able to determine that until he showed his true colors. Unfortunately, by then, you already had feelings for him and wouldn’t have been able to tell what he was doing until it was too late.”
    “Men like that know what they are doing. They lure women into a false sense of security, make them dependent on them then trap them. You’re not the first woman this has happened to, baby,” Tag said.
    “I should have realized what he was doing,” she insisted.
    “You were on your own for the first time in your life with your brother out of touch. I doubt you had many friends at first, either,” Zander began. “Anyone would have welcomed the attention he probably poured on you. Don’t blame yourself for being human. That’s in the past now. Let’s talk about the

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