Bound to Be a Bride
correct. This is not a journey you should undertake.” He bowed and took his leave, walking briskly and calling for Sebastián to await his company.
    Javier and Isabella watched as the two men moved on, eventually turning down a side street and out of view.
    “Tell me,” she pleaded.
    Javier rubbed his face, then turned to face her. The rough riding of the past five days had done nothing to diminish her beauty. If anything, she looked stronger and more enticing. She looked like she could take him. In all of his enthusiasm.
    “Isabella.” He spoke it like a benediction, with reverence, but also with a touch of pity.
    She caved then. His sympathy was far worse than his arrogance. Her tears spilled out. “Damn you,” she muttered as she turned away from him to face the pale salmon-colored wall of the building near which they had been standing. They were on a narrow residential side street. The bright blue midday sky ran like a waving banner above them, but the high walls of the pastel-colored houses left them in cool shadow.
    When his hands pressed into her upper arms, she shut her eyes and bit down hard on her bottom lip to keep the gasp of pleasure from escaping her. Damn him. Damn her. Damn her evil, sinning body that wanted his hands on it. All over her flesh. She did not even like him. Why did she want him so badly? Her stomach quivered and below, that damnable heat built between her thighs. She stamped her foot.
    “Damn you,” she whispered again, but she was speaking to herself this time.
    Javier leaned in slowly and kissed the exposed skin at her nape.
    “Damn you,” she said, even more quietly this time, and tilted her neck to invite him further.
    “Stay with me, Isabella,” he spoke softly between kisses. “Come with me to Mexico. We can build a life together there. You can be free…” he promised as he kissed the length of her neck, then pulled at the edge of her dress’s neckline with two fingers to place hot kisses along her shoulder. “You can be free of everything and everyone… except me. You will never be free of me.”
    She could not repress the gasp that time. Her head tilted back of its own accord and a sweet, strained cry of pleasure flew from her wanting mouth. She had to place the palms of her hands flat against the rough stucco wall a few inches in front of her to keep her balance.
    He reached his hands around her body and pulled her hips back so her bottom slammed into his erection. Did she have any idea what those mewls of pleasure did to him? She did now.
    She leaned her face in and bit the knuckle of her right hand to stifle the sound of her cries. The neighborhood was quiet, all of the families preparing for lunch, the stray sounds of kitchens and servants and the random dog flitting past them. The clop of hooves and the clatter of carriage wheels could be heard farther afield.
    “Here,” he growled. “Take mine.” He thrust the index finger of his left hand into her mouth.
    She began to suck and lick that single digit as if her life depended on it, circling her tongue, drawing in her cheeks, whimpering with the wave of burgeoning desire that the action stoked in her body.
    Javier reached his other hand around to the low curve of her belly, thrusting her even more forcefully into him. His face was inches from hers, his eyes inches from those lips as they savored and taunted and sucked on him. Her lashes fluttered, black against the pale, delicate skin just below her eyes. Then her eyes flew open when his other hand moved lower, skimming her warm mound through the layers of fabric.
    Her groan and increased suction on his finger encouraged him to continue. He looked quickly to his right and left, relieved that they were still alone on the quiet street.
    “You know what to do, Isabella…” He began rubbing her slowly, then with increasing pressure and speed. He watched her closely as the surprise and then joy of his movements fanned her desires.
    When the orgasm overtook her,

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