Bound to the Beast: Russian Hitman Romance

Bound to the Beast: Russian Hitman Romance by Ada Stone Page B

Book: Bound to the Beast: Russian Hitman Romance by Ada Stone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ada Stone
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her mouth as she said, “Hi-ya. Did you…need a room? ’Cause I’m sure I can find you one if you’re looking.” She winked at me like maybe she was talking about something else.
    “I was actually just looking for my friend,” I said, setting an elbow on the counter and leaning forward. I flashed a bright smile. “But now I think I’ve found something better.” I dragged my eyes over her features, as though to tell her that I was not only pleased by them, but desirous of her. Which I wasn’t. I examined her cleavage, her breasts round and heavy, but sagged slightly as a result. Her waist, from what I could tell, wasn’t huge, but it lacked the gentle curvature of a truly beautiful woman. She seemed to be an odd mix of plushness and hard lines, making all of her features just shy of really attractive. Still, she was probably a decent lay and maybe I would be interested in some extracurricular activities with her later. I hadn’t been with anyone for a while now—not since Susanna, that beautiful, feisty virgin who, try as I might, I couldn’t seem to completely forget about—and it was starting to show. I found myself getting more frustrated, more annoyed.
    Yes, a quick roll in the hay would probably do me some good. Still, the woman before me was hardly what I was looking for. Unfortunately, I was now looking for the perfect body attached to bright eyes and a shy smile. Things I’d never been looking for before.
    The woman giggled, leaning over farther until I saw the edge of her areola, her nipple trying to escape the confines of the fabric. It was deliberate, of course, but instead of turning me on, I found myself a little put off that she would be so…easy.
    But, for my purposes, this was good.
    “And what might that be?” she asked as she narrowed her eyes at me.
    I stared at her cleavage to the point where it would be rude anywhere else as I answered. “An incredibly sexy woman.”
    She giggled again, tossing her hair and pulling her arms together so that they squeezed her breasts tightly together, emphasizing her cleavage even more. “You’re just saying that.”
    I shook my head, though I was. “No, I’m not. How can someone as devastating as you even think that?”
    She licked her lips, which probably tasted like waxy lipstick. I couldn’t imagine kissing her. “Well, then maybe you are looking for a room for…you know, a little entertainment?” She winked again, her long lashes making it look exaggerated.
    I forced a sigh, as though I was regretting my next words. “I would, but I’m already late to meet my friend—he’s supposed to be here, but maybe after…?” I let my words trail off, insinuating that our time together would come when I found what I was looking for.
    She pouted a little and said, “Well, how long do you think it’ll take?”
    I lifted my shoulder. “Not long. I just need to drop something off for him, but I think he may have given me the wrong hotel, now that I think about it.” I pretended to think about it, then snapped my fingers. “I know! Would you be able to look him up and see if he’s a guest here?”
    She hesitated. Technically, asking if someone was staying at the motel was okay. It was when I started asking other questions that she would probably have to halt me to save her own job, but I’d wait on those. Maybe I would have to sleep with her to get her to do some things for me, but it was too early to tell.
    “Well, okay. I mean, there’s nothing wrong with that , right?”
    “Of course not. After all, he’s my friend and he told me to meet him. I just need to make sure he’s here and that I haven’t missed him.” I smiled at her reassuringly, and it worked.
    She nodded her head and said, “Hang on jut a sec. Let me check the computer. What was his name?”
    “Christopher Ferrars.”
    The sound of typing filled up the room for a long moment, then silence. The

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