Break of Dawn

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Book: Break of Dawn by Chris Marie Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Marie Green
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Benedikte believe he was human again.
    He sighed, then began guiding his son toward the exit. There was a lot to do tonight: he needed to go Above to see Dawn and follow up on last night’s progress with her. After the death of her friend Breisi, Dawn was in need of “Matt”’s help. It was time to reel her in.
    After that, the Master would have to keep tabs on the preparation for Limpet’s expected attack. The plan was to draw the suspected rival master and his team to this lair since it was unthinkable to launch a battle Above, where humans would discover their use of vampire magic if it wasn’t properly disguised or buried.
    That was just one of the reasons Benedikte had assumed the identity of a real human Servant: to cover up his intentions. To dig for information from the Limpet hunters without them knowing. Up close and personal, he’d been able to monitor the moment Dawn was ripe for recruitment.
    When Limpet attacked, he’d be surprised to see that Dawn wasn’t on his side.
    This subtle plan had been so much more acceptable than outright destruction of the team. The Master made certain his vampires never, ever attacked humans who would be missed by families or other loved ones. And that was why he’d persuaded another human, Cassie Tomlinson, the so-called Vampire Killer, to do away with one of Dawn’s team members for them. Too bad chances like that didn’t come around more often.
    Once out of Dawn’s room, the Master and Sorin traversed a hidden tunnel connected to the emporium. Reluctantly, Benedikte shifted from Matt’s form to an almost invisible mist as they entered the opulent amusement area from behind a velvet curtain.
    In his new shape, he hovered over Sorin’s head like smoke from burning incense. Being “Matt” was normally his preference: it made him feel closer to Dawn. However, since most of the populace, except for the Elites, knew Sorin—not Benedikte—as their Master because of the body doubling instituted as a safety precaution, near invisibility was prudent for the Master now.
    As they strolled through the spacious area, vampires flew around them, training for the moment Jonah Limpet would enter their domain. It would be a mercilessly short battle, just like the time they had lost their first Underground to another master who’d wanted to usurp what Benedikte had built. Except this time Benedikte would come out the winner.
    Something like rage made the Master’s misty form expand and pulse. He still couldn’t comprehend how boredom and greed had urged his brothers, the men who’d also taken the blood vow, to turn on one another while the ultimate master lay sleeping, gathering power, over the centuries.
    But Benedikte held himself together because, when his own maker rose again, more powerful than before, more capable of conquering nations and winning back more than just his throne, this master would have remained faithful.
    Go forth and create societies, the ultimate master had told them just before going to rest in a location only one unknown master knew. Populate so I might have an army when I awaken.
    And Benedikte had done just that, obeying like the soldier he’d been in life.
    His reverie was interrupted when a ghostly misted Elite swooped through Benedikte’s own cloudy form, parting him. He contracted in pleased shock, watching as the comedian named Danny Dukes continued on his way and darted up to the emporium dome. There, the Elite vampire crouched upside down, tendrils from his white, angelic body wavering against the golden leafing. Then he zoomed downward, his body a rocket aimed at whatever was unfortunate enough to stand below him.
    But instead of hitting the ground, he pulled up and landed gently next to another Elite, his tentacles waving. He was laughing, as if at death itself.
    The other high-level vampire, Amanda Grace, toyed with a pearl-studded fan in her “human” form. Ever since her return last night, her siblings had been attempting to win her

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