Breaking In: The Rise of Sonia Sotomayor
your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
    abortion rights; Ginsburg on; O’Connor on; Souter on
    Above the Law (blog)
    Academy Awards
    Acción Puertorriqueña
    activism, judicial
    Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl
    affirmative action; ballot initiatives on; history of; in Manhattan DA’s office; overturning of; as phrase; at Princeton; for promotions; Souter on; Thomas on; at Yale
    affordable housing
    Alito, Samuel; on affirmative action; appointment of; in conservative bloc; on custody; as dancer
    Alliance for Justice
    Almanac of the Federal Judiciary
    American Bar Association (ABA)
    American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
    American Dream
    American Enterprise Institute
    American Prospect, The
    Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
    appeals courts, federal; see also specific circuit courts
    Arizona State University
    Arnold, Richard
    Arroyo, Martina
    Arterton, Janet Bond
    Ashcroft, John
    Aspen Publishers
    Atencio, Dolores
    Atlanta Journal-Constitution
    Atlantic, The
    Audacity of Hope, The (Obama)
    Auffant, Charles
    Axelrod, David
    Babbitt, Bruce
    Baca, Joseph
    Bader, Celia
    Bader, Nathan
    Baird, Zoë
    Bakke, Allan
    Bakke v. Regents of the University of California
    Barr, William
    Bartenope, Theresa
    baseball: cases about; Sotomayor’s love for
    Batista, Jorge
    Batts, Deborah
    Benavides, Fortunato
    Bender, Paul
    Benjamin Franklin High School
    Berke, Richard
    Bernstein, Leonard
    Beyond the Melting Pot (Glazer)
    bias, see affirmative action; impartiality; racism
    Biden, Joseph: on Senate Judiciary Committee; as Vice President
    bilingual education
    Blackmun, Harry; clerks for; resignation of
    Blatt, Lisa
    Blessed Sacrament
    “Bloody Sunday”
    Bloomberg, Michael
    Blum, Edward; Fisher funded by; voting rights cases funded by
    Bok, Derek
    Bork, Robert
    Botwinik, David
    Bowen, William
    Brennan, William J., Jr.
    Brewer, Jan
    Breyer, Stephen; appointment of; as consensus builder; on death penalty; in race cases
    Bronxdale Houses: renaming of; Sotomayor’s childhood in
    Brooklyn Law School
    Brown, Dustin
    Brown v. Board of Education ; erosion of
    Burger, Warren
    Bush, George H. W.: federal judgeships under; in 1992 election; Sotomayor appointed by; Thomas appointed by
    Bush, George W.: Estrada and; on impartiality; Supreme Court appointments of; in 2000 elections; 2001 appointment ceremony by; voting rights and
    Bush v. Gore
    busing, to desegregate
    Butts, Cassandra
    Byrd, Robert C.
    Cabranes, Carmen
    Cabranes, José; appointment of; background of; as mentor; as potential Supreme Court justice; on Puerto Ricans; on Ricci
    Cabranes, Manuel
    Calabresi, Guido; on Ricci
    Calera, Alabama
    Calhoun v. United States
    California: affirmative action in; in Daimler ; as Latino hub; marriage equality in; prisons in
    California La Raza Lawyers Association
    Callejo, Adelfa
    Callejo, Bill
    campaign finance
    capital punishment; Marshall on; Sotomayor on
    Caraballo, Wilfredo
    Cardinal Spellman High School
    Cardona v. Power
    Cardozo, Benjamin
    Carlson, Tucker
    Carro, John
    Carswell, G. Harrold
    Carter, Jimmy: minorities appointed by; Moynihan and; in 1980 election; white men appointed by
    Carter, Stephen
    “Case Against Sotomayor, The” (Rosen)
    Case of the Wise Old Latina, The (Matson)
    Cedarbaum, Miriam
    Chavez, Cesar
    Chavez, Linda
    child custody
    Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission
    City College of New York
    City University of New York
    Civil Rights Act; Title VII of
    civil rights movements; Latinos in; Marshall and; Moynihan and; Thomas and; see also Civil Rights Act
    Clark, Ramsey
    Clark, Tom
    Clement, Paul
    Clemente, Roberto
    clerkships; Estrada and; for judges; of judges; in others’ resumes; for Sotomayor
    Clinton, Bill: Blackmun’s seat filled by; judicial appointees under; Kagan and; minority support for; scandals under; Sotomayor appointment by;

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