
Breathless by V. J. Chambers Page B

Book: Breathless by V. J. Chambers Read Free Book Online
Authors: V. J. Chambers
Tags: General Fiction
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and talked about how we felt about how the class was going. This worked fine in Honors classes, but I knew that some of the General kids took advantage of my dad. He didn't see it that way though. He thought it was important that the students had the ability to make their own decisions and to discover the consequences.

    I was glad that there wasn't a seating chart. I usually did sit in the same seat by Toby, but I sat somewhere else today, and I waved Jason over to me when he came into the classroom.

    "How was Biology?" I asked him.

    Jason sat down, noting that Toby and I weren't sitting together. "You haven't made up with Toby, yet, huh?"

    "No," I said. Maybe I wasn't going to make up with Toby at all.

    "Biology was okay," said Jason. "I've done most of the stuff in there. Should be a breeze."

    "So, were you really home schooled?"

    "Kind of," said Jason and that was all. He never elaborated on anything! I was dying of curiosity. How was I going to get Jason to trust me with his secrets?

    After history, we went to lunch. Usually, I sat with Toby. We ate at a table with a bunch of football players and their girlfriends. After I ate, I usually went into the gym to find Lilith. Lilith never ate lunch.

    Today, however, for some reason, she was in the lunch line. She saw Jason and I and motioned for us to come stand with her.

    "We'll be cutting the line," I called to her.

    She rolled her eyes, but she left her spot in the line to come back and stand with us.
    "There," she said. "Happy?"

    I made a face at her. "What's up?" I said. "How come you're eating lunch?"

    "I'm pregnant," she said. "Baby needs nutrition."

    "Shut up!" I said, whacking her with my purse. "You are not!"

    "No," she said. "I'm not." She smiled at Jason. "And how are you?"

    "Uh...good," said Jason.

    Every time Jason said something to Lilith, he started out with "uh" or "um." I wondered if Jason was attracted to Lilith. I considered the prospect of Jason and Lilith dating. For some reason, I didn't like the idea of it at all.

    "You still pissed at Toby?" she asked me.

    "Of course," I said. How could she ask me this? Last night, when I'd talked to her on the phone, I'd explained exactly how I felt about the situation in excruciating detail.
    We'd dissected everything he'd said, trying to figure out his motives.

    "Maybe you should give the guy a break," said Lilith.

    My jaw dropped. What was Lilith saying? "You hate Toby," I said.

    "Yeah," she said. "I do. He's a total idiot. But, I don't know, the two of you are like the teen dream couple. You're good together, you know."

    "Obviously, we're not if he makes fun of me in front of everyone at that party," I said.
    "Plus, he treats me like I'm twelve or something. He's so overprotective. And he won't have sex with me."

    Jason cleared his throat.

    Lilith and I both looked at him.

    "The line moved forward," he said.

    We shuffled forward in the lunch line.

    "What do you think, Jason?" I asked.

    "About?" he asked. He looked a little embarrassed. I realized I'd been talking about my sex life (or lack thereof) in front of him. Maybe that made him uncomfortable.

    "Toby," I said. "You don't think I should forgive him, do you?"

    Jason didn't say anything.

    "You're gonna forgive him," said Lilith. "You guys never fight for long. You might as well just get it over with."

    "Do you want to break up with him?" Jason asked me.

    I thought about it. Did I? I was in love with Toby. I was mad at him right now, but did I want him out of my life forever? "Let's talk about something else," I said. "Like why are you really eating lunch, Lilith?"

    Lilith rolled her eyes. "I'm hiding from Eric Nelson. He was a total jackass to me in the gym because I gave you guys a ride home."

    I smiled. "I thought you were going to make Eric fall in love with you."

    "Not in this lifetime," she said.

    * * *
That evening, Toby called me four times. I wouldn't take any of his calls. I still didn't know what I wanted to do.

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