Brian Friel Plays 1

Brian Friel Plays 1 by Brian Friel Page A

Book: Brian Friel Plays 1 by Brian Friel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brian Friel
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    PRIVATE : To get to the other side. Ha-ha! Why does a hen lay an egg?
    PUBLIC : Why?
    PRIVATE : Because it can’t lay a brick. Yo-ho. Why does a sailor wear a round hat?
    PUBLIC : Why?
    PRIVATE : To cover his head. Hee-hee-hee. Nought out of three; very bad for a man of average intelligence. That’s the style. Keep working; keep the mind active and well stretched by knowing the best that is thought and written in the world, and you wouldn’t call Daddy Senator your father-in-law,
    ( Sings. )
    Give the woman in the bed more porter
    Give the man beside her water
    Give the woman in the bed more porter
    More porter for the woman in the bed.
    ( Confidentially ) D’you know what I think, laddie, I mean, just looking at you there.
    PUBLIC : What?
    PRIVATE : You’d make a hell of a fine President of the United States.
    ( PUBLIC straightens up and for a second surveys the room with the keen eye of a politician. Relaxes again .)
    PUBLIC : Agh!
    PRIVATE : But you would!
    PUBLIC : You need to be born an American citizen.
    PRIVATE : True for you. What about Chairman of General Motors?
    ( PUBLIC shrugs indifferently .)
    Boss of the Teamsters’ Union?
    ( PUBLIC shrugs his indifference .)
    PRIVATE : Hollywood – what about Hollywood?
    PUBLIC : Not what it was.
    PRIVATE : Dammit but you’re hard to please too. Still, there must be something great in store for you. ( Cracks his fingers at his brainwave .) The US Senate! Senator Gareth O’Donnell, Chairman of the Foreign Aid Committee! ( He interviews PUBLIC who continues packing his clothes busily .)
    Is there something you would like to say, Senator, before you publish the findings of your committee?
    PUBLIC : Nothing to say.
    PRIVATE : Just a few words.
    PUBLIC : No comment.
    PRIVATE : Isn’t it a fact that suspicion has fallen on Senator Doogan?
    PUBLIC : Nothing further to add.
    PRIVATE : Did your investigators not discover that Senator Doogan is the grandfather of fourteen unborn illegitimate children? That he sold his daughter to the king of the fairies for a crock of gold? That a Chinese spy known to the FBI as Screwballs –
    PUBLIC : Screwballs?
    PRIVATE : Screwballs.
    PUBLIC : Describe him.
    PRIVATE : Tall, blond, athletic-looking –
    PUBLI : Military moustache?
    PRIVATE : – very handsome; uses a diamond-studded cigarette-holder.
    PUBLIC : Usually accompanied by a dark seductive woman in a low-cut evening gown?
    PRIVATE : – wears a monocle, fluent command of languages –
    PUBLIC : But seldom speaks? A man of few words?
    PRIVATE : – drives a cream convertible, villas in Istanbul, Cairo and Budapest –
    PUBLIC : ( Declaims ) Merchant Prince, licensed to deal in tobacco –
    PRIVATE : An’ sowl! That’s me man! To a T! The point is – what’ll we do with him?
    PUBLIC : Sell him to a harem?
    PRIVATE : Hide his cascara sagrada?
    ( MADGE comes into the kitchen to lift the tablecloth .)
    PUBLIC : ( Serious ) Shhh!
    PRIVATE : The boys? Is it the boys? To say good-bye?
    PUBLIC : Shhhh!
    PRIVATE : It’s Madge – aul fluke-feet Madge.
    ( They both stand listening to the sound of MADGE flapping across the kitchen and out to the scullery. )
    PUBLIC : ( Calls softly ) Madge.
    ( PRIVATE drops into the armchair . PUBLIC stands listening until the sound has died away .)
    PRIVATE : ( Wearily ) Off again! You know what you’re doing, don’t you, laddybuck? Collecting memories and images and impressions that are going to make you bloody miserable; and in a way that’s what you want, isn’t it?
    PUBLIC : Bugger!
    ( PRIVATE springs to his feet again. With forced animation .)
    PRIVATE : Bugger’s right! Bugger’s absolutely correct! Back to the job! Keep occupied. Be methodical.
    Catch-the-baby-by-the-toe .
    Will all passengers holding immigration visas please come this way.
    ( PUBLIC produces documents from a drawer. He checks them .)
    PRIVATE : Passport?
    PUBLIC : Passport.
    PRIVATE : Visa?
    PUBLIC : Visa.
    PRIVATE : Vaccination cert.?

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