Brianna's Navy SEAL

Brianna's Navy SEAL by Natalie Damschroder Page B

Book: Brianna's Navy SEAL by Natalie Damschroder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Natalie Damschroder
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concern, and a tension that could only be lust. Her pulse quickened and her body seemed to soften all over.
    "I haven't pressed you because I felt you had reservations, and I didn't think you'd really want it to get physical when there was something holding you back emotionally."
    Perturbed, she pushed to her feet and paced a little. “Men are not supposed to think that way, Cable Addison.” She stopped in front of him, feeling better now that she had the height advantage. Vulnerability was much more manageable from here. “Yeah, I was holding back. You've got a temporary job and an adventurous history and as soon as I fall for you, you'll be moving on."
    "I thought you had your own thirst for adventure."
    "Had. I told you, I got over that.” Something of the haunting she felt in her heart must have passed over her face, because he looked speculative, then seemed to dismiss it.
    "Come here.” He held out his hand, and she hesitantly took it and let him pull her back down, this time right next to him, hip to hip, upper bodies half-turned so his face was right over hers. “Let me show you what's going on with me,” he murmured, lowering his head. The kiss was as good as all the ones that had gone before it, but this time he held her differently. Whereas before he'd been tender and gentle, even reverent, this time his hands on her back and arm were almost demanding.
    And Brie responded. Holy hell, did she respond. Desire had always grown slowly under his kisses, unfurling under careful sunlight and sprinkles of rain. This kiss was a match tossed into tinder. Her breasts ached and she went wet and achy right away. His right hand started to move toward her breast and she moaned, but his fingers dug into her arm instead. He closed the kiss and pulled away, his breathing harsh, his eyes closed. His left hand tightened on the nape of her neck. Finally, his whole body tightened, then released with a short shudder.
    "Does that give you an idea of how I feel?” he asked, opening his eyes but not putting any more distance between them.
    "It tells me you're horny,” she said, her voice coming out weaker than she'd like. “And, um, that's a good thing, by the way."
    "I'm not going anywhere, Brie.” He let go of her left arm and stroked her cheek. “The past is definitely the past. If my teaching job ends here, I'll find another one nearby. We're not on the prairie.” He swallowed. “Can you believe that?"
    She could for now, if it meant they'd take this upstairs. No one could predict the future, and she'd gotten as much assurance as she could ask for.
    "Yes, Cable.” She tilted her head and ran her tongue over his lips. “Thank you. Can we stop talking now?"
    Pulling her hard against his chest, he had one thing to say before his mouth found hers again.

    Cable kissed Brie's shoulder as he slid from the bed, smiling at her sprawl. She lay on her stomach, arms over her head, one knee bent, in a position of complete exhaustion.
    All his doing, of course. Brianna had been revved by the time they got to the bedroom, pushing for hard and fast, but Cable knew when slow and unrelenting was better. She'd come twice, screaming, and then taken him in for a third orgasm she called more psychological than physical. And then she'd fallen asleep.
    He walked naked down the hall to the bathroom, flicking on the shower. He was wide awake, and hoped the warm water would relax him enough to join Brianna in sleep. Before he could get in, he heard his cell phone ring. Dashing back to the bedroom, he grabbed his jeans from the floor and pulled the door closed behind him before digging the phone out of his pocket. The glowing readout gave the time as 0113. The phone number was his sister's, and his heart caught for a second.
    "Hello.” He moved away from the bedroom, hoping Brie hadn't been awakened. “Alena?"
    "I'm sorry to call so late,” she said, her voice calm and steady. That didn't mean anything, though.

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