Broken Promises

Broken Promises by Summer Waters Page B

Book: Broken Promises by Summer Waters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Summer Waters
Tags: Fiction
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enough room to swim a different way to the pod. It caused the dolphins to panic, adding to the confusion and noise. Antonia had no idea what to do. Should she stay with the beached dolphins? Or should she try and save the others before they beached themselves too?
    It was Hannah who took control.
    â€œYou stay here,” she said to Antonia. “You’re needed to keep these two alive. Cai, you stay too. Help to keep them wet. I’ll turn the dolphins back.”
    She ran down the beach, her red hair flying out behind her. Suddenly, Antonia felt very grateful to Hannah. How would they have managed without her?
    â€œThat’s a huge task,” said Cai, watching her go. “I’ll have to help if she can’t manage on her own.”
    â€œOf course,” said Antonia. She remembered what Hannah had said before about working together. “We work as a team.”
    Cai continued to run up and down the beach using his T-shirt and Hannah’scardigan to wet the dolphins. Antonia sat between them with her hands pressed firmly against their sides. She was desperate to know how Hannah was doing, but needed to concentrate on her own job. Antonia was concerned about the larger dolphin; he didn’t seem to be responding to her magical skills. She hoped Claudia would get there soon. They were running out of time.

Chapter Twelve
    H annah did her best, but she was no match for all the dolphins trying to swim up the creek. Eventually, Cai was forced to abandon his own job and wade into the sea to help her. With outstretched arms, he herded the dolphins back the way they had come. For ages the water was alive with thrashing tailsand fins as the dolphins suddenly realised the danger they were in. Their distressed clicks and shrieks made Antonia’s skin prickle with goosebumps.
    â€œPlease,” she clicked to the dolphin on the beach. “Please, stop calling your friends. The Silver Dolphins are here to help you. Tell your friends to go back to the sea.”
    The little dolphin fell silent, but it was far too late. Miserably, Antonia wondered why she hadn’t thought to ask her to stop calling earlier. And where was Claudia? The Silver Dolphins needed her right now.
    Claudia, where are you?
    Antonia looked up and her heart leapt. Claudia was running down the beach towardsher, carrying an armful of sheets and a huge watering can. She ran straight past Antonia and dumped the sheets in the sea. Antonia went to help. Together they soaked the sheets in water then draped them over the beached dolphins.
    Claudia filled up the watering can.
    â€œGo help the others. I can manage here for a bit.”
    Antonia’s hands were still tingling from using her special dolphin magic. She felt like she’d been for a marathon run. But the drama wasn’t over. She couldn’t give in to tiredness yet. With a burst of energy, she splashed into the sea to help Hannah and Cai. It was an easier task with three of them. Using outstretched arms they formed a humanbarricade. Gradually the dolphins began to turn back the way they’d come. The more that turned, the easier it was to persuade the others to go back too. One dolphin got stuck on a sandbank near the edge of the creek. Working together, the Silver Dolphins managed to free him and guide him towards the deeper water.
    When the last dolphin was heading the right way down the creek, Antonia remembered Spirit. He was a large animal. Had he made it safely back to sea? She was wondering whether to swim up the creek to check, when his voice sounded in her head.
    Silver Dolphin.
    Spirit? Thank goodness. Is everyone safe?
    The pod has just reached the sea.
    And you?
    Yes, me too.
    Antonia couldn’t help it. She grinned with relief.
    â€œWhat are you smiling about?” asked Cai.
    Antonia blushed.
    â€œWe did it,” she stuttered.
    â€œNot quite,” said Cai. “There’re still the two on the beach.”

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