Bronwyn Scott's Sexy Regency Bundle
disappointed at being denied a resting spot for the onerous basket, Brandon was jubilant. He had been waiting for this all day. He was certain if Eleanor was going to make her move, it would be now. This was the only time all day they'd been in a shop large enough to lose oneself in and the only time she'd been eager to be out of his company.
    He selected an aisle and feigned interest in some plain muslin. Out of the comer of his eye, he noted Eleanor making

    Pickpocket Countess
    straight for the counter as he suspected. She said something to the bespectacled clerk behind the counter, sending him scut-tling off and bringing back another employee, a woman, a few moments later.
    Gleeful triumph filled Brandon. His day was not spent in vain. Asking for a particular clerk must signify something of import. Brandon edged his way closer to the counter, putting himself in earshot of Eleanor's conversation.
    Come a little closer said the spider to the fly. The old children's rhyme paraded through her mind as Nora eyed her prey from her position at the counter. Stockport had walked right into the web she had spun. This little outing had been in-ordinately entertaining and enlightening in its own way. She'd been surprised Stockport had stuck with Eleanor Habersham so diligently. It wasn't any man who could tolerate her insipid prattle and titters all day long.
    It was quite a testament to Stockport's fortitude and something of a warning to herself as well in regards to the type of man she was dealing with. Had he stuck with Eleanor because he was a gentleman and, once pledged to a lady's company, could not simply cry off? Nora couldn't quite believe he'd endure the entire day at her side all for the sake of honour.
    It was more likely he'd stuck by her side because he suspected something. Perhaps he was following up on The reference
    to Eleanor that night in the study. Perhaps he was trying to earn his way into Eleanor's good graces after her not-so-covert re-buffing of him at the ladies' tea. She would soon find out.
    If he was simply playing the unsuspecting gentleman doing a good deed for the local spinster, she would be able to give him the slip here. If not, the stakes in the escalating game they'd played this afternoon would be raised. The gambler in her almost wished for the latter. All the politics aside, matching wits with Stockport was proving to be far more enjoyable than she'd imagined.

    Raising her voice slightly to ensure Stockport could hear, but not so loud as to be obvious, Nora said in her annoying Eleanor Habersham voice, 'Jane, I would like to look at some flannel for, er, um.. she paused to intone just the right amount of embarrassment in her request when in truth only Stockport would be embarrassed, as any rightful gentleman would be
    . . .winter undergarments. I find my petticoats won't last another season.' She gave an old maid's giggle.
    'Would you like me to bring out our flannel bolts?' the clerk asked.
    Nora's hand flew to her throat in shock. 'Oh, no, I couldn't possibly look at such goods in public.'
    'Of course not, Miss Habersham, come to the back with me.
    Kenneth can watch the counter.'
    Smugly, Nora walked behind the efficient clerk to the store-room. No gentleman would dare consider following after overhearing such an exchange. There would be no plausible explanation to offer if he was found out and there would be no way Stockport could live the episode down if Eleanor Habersham caught him. It would only take Eleanor telling a tearful story to Alice Bradley on the way home and the news would be all over the village by the next day.
    Nora shut the stockroom door behind her and turned to Jane. 'We must act quickly.'
    'Why? Is something wrong? Usually you don't ask to come to the back room.'
    'I'm being followed by Stockport himself.'
    Jane sucked in a worried breath. Nora dismissed her concern. 'I'm not in danger, not yet anyway, but I need to make the delivery to Mary
    She needs the food

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