Brothers in Blood

Brothers in Blood by Dusty Richards Page B

Book: Brothers in Blood by Dusty Richards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dusty Richards
Tags: Fiction, Westerns
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    â€œNo, I have to thank you. Your cattle buying around here is sure helping folks pay me off. I think that’s great for them.”
    Ben sounded real pleased over the debt settling folks were doing with him.
    â€œIf they don’t hijack the freighters, we should be in good shape on mowers then.”
    â€œWithout rails up here, it’s a big operation to get them up here. They have to come to Deming, New Mexico, then the freighters haul them on to here.”
    â€œI just came back from there, so I know all about that.”
    â€œNeed anything else, you holler.” Ben shook his hand. “Thanks for Kathrin, too. You thought enough of her to bring her here, so I’m in your debt.”
    Chet headed for Frye’s livery where Jesus joined him and handed him the Oak Creek place map. They’d have to make time to go see it. Marge might like to go, too.
    When they walked into the livery office, Frye’s wife Gloria smiled and stood up—and she was pregnant, too.
    â€œYou made it back, stranger. He’s been wondering when you’d show up. I heard all went well over there?”
    â€œYes, ma’am, we got it settled.”
    â€œWell, he’s coming right back. You men have seats. I keep this office hot, so you may cook in here.”
    Gloria was a nice-looking woman in her late twenties. Marge knew her well and had told him her story. Her first husband only did day work for ranchers, so when he died, he left her with three small children and no way to make a living. Out of need, she was forced to turn to working in a brothel. When Frye learned of it, he got her out of the business and married her. Gloria could do books, so they hired a housekeeper to keep the kids. It worked out all right for them, and for her children, too.
    Frye came in unbuttoning his wool coat. “Hey, you made it back and never got your nose skinned.” When they laughed with him, he went on. “Oh, yeah. I have a man coming from California by the name of Rose. You met him. He’s bringing a hundred head of good horses over here and said you could pick choice. Thanked you, too, for getting him to a dentist to fix his tooth.”
    â€œCrazy guy. He needed to see one bad. He was headed for Utah and there wouldn’t be no dentist for days. I’m sure in the market for some draft horses. Just send me word.”
    â€œWas that a big deal in New Mexico?” Frye asked, walking him and his men out into the sunshine.
    â€œNaw, we got it settled.”
    â€œHe can say that now,” Cole said. “But it was a big deal and he handled it.”
    Frye laughed. “He does that all the time.”
    They went for their horses, then stopped by Jenn’s and had a cup of coffee with her. Everything was all right and she had no news to share.
    By the time they made it back to the ranch, the winter sun was setting.
    â€œHow was your day?” Marge asked when she met him on the enclosed back porch.
    He hung up his great coat and hugged her tight. “Over a hundred thousand dollars better.”
    She squeezed him in return. “Your cattle plan has worked.”
    â€œIt worked fine. What else?”
    â€œI think you better go see Hoot tomorrow. He’s failing, Susie said. But we’ve all been so busy.”
    â€œI’ll do that. That grand old man really helped me at the start and he got all these boys, along with Jenn. Or she found him for me. Anyway, he helped, and found Tom, Hampt, and Sarge, just to name a few.”
    â€œYou’ve got part of your cattle money then?”
    â€œYes. The first two shipments are paid. And Bo has bought us a place in Oak Creek Canyon that straddles the creek. Has apple trees and fruit orchards.”
    â€œWhat happened to the old owner, Mr. Kemp?”
    â€œI don’t know. But I’ll need a man to look after it and I plan to build some cabins up there.”
    â€œThat would be

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