Burial of hearts the black widow's malice

Burial of hearts the black widow's malice by N Parnham Page A

Book: Burial of hearts the black widow's malice by N Parnham Read Free Book Online
Authors: N Parnham
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triumph, they handed
me another, causing me to sulk in disapproval, as I fought off the foul taste
and texture left in my mouth.
    Another jug, another challenge;
this time they even offered me a fair bit of coin; if I was successful of
course; very well, I thought to myself. Gulping down the ale as if it was a
ship ripping through the water’s tide, I began to feel a touch light headed;
this obviously is a little bit more potent than the alcohol back home.
    “Now young fellows, if you would
be as kind as to… pass me… what was it again? ”. I said
as the signs of the alcohol began to take effect.
    Laughter ensued between the pair
as they mocked me, civilly informing me that I was a light-weight drinker.
    “I will have you know, I could
table you under the drink, or is that drink the table under you? … Surely the
table does not drink? … You mischievous little men, now look what you have
    Continuing to drink jug after jug
of the rather addictive, yet still unpleasant ale, I began to dance wildly,
singing along with the songs the men and women sang, not even knowing the
words, just making them up as I went along.
    Snatching a stale bread roll, I
took a bite, only to spit it back out. My head was spinning out of control, my
feet no longer able to hold me upright. It is time to stop I thought to myself.
    Parting company with the rest, I
strayed off up to the courtyard to try regain some composure. Sitting down I
looked over to where the moon had arisen. Confused it seemed like there was
three, but certainly alcohol was to blame for this. I planted my head between
my legs, sobbing in self-pity, how I would welcome something to take this
feeling away from me.
    To my left I could hear rustling
in the trees; obviously nocturnal creatures of some kind. Rubbing my dreary
eyes, leaning to a side, holding my head up to the opal sky, none of these
methods worked; I was still just as unable to properly comprehend the world
around me. Then again I could hear the rustling, this time I decided to
investigate; unsteady as I walked closer. Closing in on the sound I wondered
what it could possibly be. Peering at the trees, I tried to make out any form;
I saw a reflection, but how? Getting as close as I dared to go, I scouted the
area before me then again I saw the reflection, it was the moon reflecting, on
someone’s eyes .
    “Who is there? ”. I shouted, demanding to know.
    With that, a man came shooting
out from where he was hidden. My reactions not as quick as typical, he managed
to tackle me to the ground, forcing my head down as panic gripped my body. His
hand slid to my throat, my heart racing, tears pouring from my eyes, I
desperately looked everywhere around me; a few small rocks were close by.
Thrusting my knee into his stomach he jolted a slight, giving me room to turn,
but just as I did, he came back, lurching onto me with ferocious wrath, ripping
at my hair and sending tough blows into my now bruised sides.
    I was becoming weak and bloodied,
my adrenaline was like a furnace about to explode, yet it gave me no advantage.
I was going to die tonight, I thought to myself. I screamed. My eyes now a
stream of misery, I reached out desperately, finally clenching onto a rock, I
turned, smashing it into his temple.
    Seizing the opportunity, I stood
up, the alcohol now relinquishing control, giving rule to the overwhelming
dread driving through me. He was blaspheming my name with every sinful word
that could be thought upon, sculpting his hand upon his head, whilst blood
trickled down. I had to get away. In seeing that he was starting to rise, I began
to run, fighting off the pain as I dashed about the trees, catching my face in
barbaric ways upon thorny plants and getting a mouthful of bugs as I ran below
branches they were nesting upon.
    He was gaining speed, getting
ever closer to me. I shouted trying to get the attention of anyone, but no one
heard me. He was upon me, his face fuelled by hate, he tried to grasp at me

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