
Camellia by Diane T. Ashley Page A

Book: Camellia by Diane T. Ashley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diane T. Ashley
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walk out after only a week of instruction. She had never seen a need to stand on ceremony. But speaking of Blake’s dressing preparations went beyond what could be considered acceptable, even in the admittedly lax world of steamship travel.
    “Will you be staying in New Orleans for an extended visit?” Camellia’s father asked between bites of his dinner.
    Jonah shrugged. “My plans are a bit unsettled at the moment. It depends on what entertainment may be had.” He glanced toward her again, his gaze threatening to burn a hole in Camellia’s face.
    This time her blush was so heated that even Jasmine noticed it. “I think Jonah is sweet on you.”
    David’s pale eyebrows disappeared into the thatch of white-blond hair on his forehead. Lily sputtered, Papa laughed heartily, and Blake frowned.
    Camellia wanted to climb underneath the table. She tossed a scathing look at her younger sister. “You are embarrassing all of us, Jasmine. If you cannot hold your tongue, I hope Lily will send you to your room without your supper.”
    That stopped Papa’s laugh and Lily’s sputter.
    Blake’s frown disappeared as he reached for his water goblet. “I hope you will forgive Jasmine, Jonah. We are fairly free with our manners when we are
en famille.

    Camellia kept her gaze locked on her plate. She couldn’t bear to look up at Jonah and see the condemnation in his eyes. The sooner she separated herself from her family the better.
    “I don’t mind.” His deep voice sent shivers across her shoulders and down the length of her arms. “I consider it a compliment to be treated as one of the family.”
    Gathering her courage, Camellia risked a quick glance at him. Jonah’s head was turned toward Blake, so she let her gaze linger on his profile. His chiseled jaw made him appear strong and capable. He sported a dimple in his chin that she could imagine tapping with her fan. His lips were full—Her thoughts came to an abrupt halt as he turned his head and their gazes clashed. His lazy, knowing smile taunted her. Jonah Thornton was too aware of his own attractiveness. It was a quality she did not appreciate.
    Camellia sniffed and turned to engage Lily in conversation. “You don’t have to come to La Belle Demoiselle with me. If you’ll have my trunks delivered, I’m sure I can make my own way.”
    Jonah’s arm was close enough to her own that Camellia felt it stiffen at her words. A tiny frown creased her brow before she remembered to smooth out the muscles. What could she have said to cause such a reaction in him?
    “I’m not going to drop you off at the docks like a load of cargo, Camellia.” Lily glanced toward Blake for confirmation before continuing. “I was planning on spending a few days with Jonah’s family before returning to the river. Besides, did you think I had forgotten your birthday? We have always celebrated together, and this year will be no different.”
    Papa leaned across the table. “I believe the girl is ashamed of us.” His wink included everyone at the table.
    Now it was Camellia’s turn to sputter. She thought she’d hidden her feelings better than that. Aunt Dahlia would be disappointed to learn she had been so transparent. “I am nothing of the sort.” Even to her own ears, the words fell flat. She stopped and took a deep, calming breath. “I know how hard all of you work, and I was trying to make things easier. If any of you wish to accompany me to the school, I’m sure you are most welcome.” With those words, she pushed her chair away from the table. “I’ll go help Tamar with the dishes.”
    She was determined to show them she could rise above their taunts and accusations. If she was ashamed of certain members of her family, who could blame her? Debutantes, even ones as beautiful as she, had to be very assiduous in protecting their reputations or they would find themselves old maids while other, less objectionable females snatched up the best gentlemen.

Chapter Five
    C amellia

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