Carolyn Keene_Nancy Drew Mysteries 050
this a private mark the ex-dancer uses or is he a member of some witchcraft group?”
    Out of the corners of their eyes, the couple became aware of some dancers still waiting in the wings to talk to Mr. Van Camp. Nancy and Ned started to thank him and excuse themselves when he surprised them by asking:
    “Have you people ever danced ballet?”
    Ned laughed. “Only around a football field.”
    Nancy told him that she had taken ballet lessons and loved them. “Sometime I’d like to learn to leap,” she said. “We only studied it a little in acrobatic class.”
    Mr. Van Camp’s eyes twinkled. He called out, “Boris, come over here!”
    The agile dancer walked forward and was introduced to Nancy and Ned.
    Mr. Van Camp repeated Nancy’s remark to Boris, who smiled. “I’d be happy to help her, but first let me see you dance a little, Nancy.”
    “Music!” Mr. Van Camp called out to the musicians who were in conference with their conductor.
    Nancy was flushed with excitement. She took off her shoes. As soon as the music started she found it easy to execute simple movements, then with increasing confidence, more complicated ones. Some of the professional dancers came on stage and applauded.
    “You are excellent,” Boris complimented Nancy. “Take my hand.”
    As they started to dance together, Ned was amazed by his friend’s obvious talent. He began to clap too.
    Boris himself seemed pleased with his pupil. As the tempo of the music increased, the star’s performance encouraged Nancy to make more strenuous leaps. Though Nancy could feel a twinge of muscle cramp, she was determined to dance her best.
    When the music ended, Boris surprised and embarrassed Nancy by giving her a hug and a kiss and saying, “You’re wonderful!”
    Nancy was pleased, but decided she would always prefer Ned as her steady dancing partner. She thanked Boris Borovsky and wished him continued luck in his career. Mr. Van Camp came to pat her on the shoulder. “Any time you’re looking for extra work, let me know,” he said, smiling. “It has been a real pleasure meeting you and Ned. I certainly hope our paths cross again.”
    “I hope so too,” Nancy replied. Lowering her voice, she added, “And thank you for the information about Merv Marvel. I’ll pass it along to my father.”
    Blushing happily, she left the theater with Ned. He was very quiet and she wondered if he was embarrassed by her ballet exhibition, or was he sulking a bit out of jealousy?
    She herself said little, but at the Drew home, she began to relate the full story of the day’s happenings to her father and Hannah Gruen. She had hardly begun to speak when Ned arose.
    “If you don’t mind,” he said, “I think I’ll go to bed. I’m really beat.” He said good night and went upstairs.
    “Ned doesn’t seem like himself,” Mr. Drew remarked. “Nancy, did something happen between you two today?”
    Nancy explained about Ned’s and Mr. Thurston’s unpleasant experience.
    “Then no doubt Ned is feeling the aftermath of it all. Sleep is the best thing for him.”
    Her father’s comment caused Nancy to wonder if she had been inconsiderate of Ned in suggesting they attend the ballet. She chided herself for it, then went on with her detailed report. Nearly an hour passed before they went upstairs. The lawyer praised his daughter for having uncovered the clue to the leaping specter.

    Ned, amazed, began to clap for Nancy.
    “I’ll have someone start working on that angle at once,” he said.
    Nancy found that she too was very tired and dropped off to sleep at once. It was some time in the early morning that she was awakened by voices out in the hall.
    Peering from her door, she observed Hannah and her father talking together worriedly and she asked what was troubling them.
    “Ned is very ill,” her father said.

    Unpleasant Councilman
    “NED ill?” Nancy repeated. “I must go in and see him!”
    Mr. Drew put a firm hand on his

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