Caroselli's Accidental Heir

Caroselli's Accidental Heir by Michelle Celmer Page B

Book: Caroselli's Accidental Heir by Michelle Celmer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Celmer
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary, Contemporary Women
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body revolting?
    Maybe under the circumstances that wouldn’t be such a bad thing.
    “I’m sorry, I should have knocked. I didn’t think...” He trailed off as his eyes settled on her stomach then went wide. “Wow, you’re big.”
    Maybe it was the look she gave him, or his brain was just catching up to his mouth, but he quickly added, “I mean your stomach, not the rest of you. In fact, my mom is right. You are too thin.” He hesitated, then added, “Although not in an unattractive way.”
    “Quit while you’re ahead, Caroselli,” she told him, before he dug himself in any deeper. For a man so educated and sophisticated, he had this way of putting his foot in his mouth. And though he sometimes said things that made her want to smack him upside the head, she considered his cluelessness one of his most endearing qualities.
    He shot her a grin that made her knees go weak and said, “I think you know what I mean.”
    “I do.” It would have felt so natural to slide her arms around his neck, push him down on his bed. Like she had so many times before...
    No, she definitely couldn’t do that.
    “Did he just move?”
    That was an understatement. “He’s been doing gymnastics all day. I think he liked that breakfast your mom made.”
    “It looks like it would hurt.” Tony said, transfixed by her tummy. It was academic in a way. Like Pregnancy 101.
    “Not usually, although sometimes he’ll get a foot up under my rib cage and kick hard. That can be a little uncomfortable. And he likes to lay on my bladder.”
    “Can I feel?” he asked.
    His bare hands on her bare stomach. Why did that sound like a really bad idea? But what was she supposed to do? Tell him no? Hadn’t he missed enough already? And all because of her. From this point on she wanted him to be totally involved. She owed him that much. “Of course you can.”
    Wearing a look of childlike anticipation, he sat on the edge of the bed, bringing himself down to her level. She poked at her stomach, looking for a discernible body part for him to feel.
    Tony winced. “It doesn’t hurt pushing on your stomach like that?”
    “Sometimes you have to give him a poke to get him to move. I think he’s on his back. Let me try...oh wait...I found him.” She took Tony’s hand and pressed it against her belly. “Push right here.”
    He applied the slightest bit of pressure where his hand lay, cringing as if he was expecting her to howl in pain.
    “You won’t feel anything that way. You have to really get in there and dig around.”
    He looked at her like she was nuts.
    “I’m not kidding.” She folded her hand over his and really pushed hard, until they met with something solid about an inch or so in. “Feel that?”
    His eyes shot to hers. “Is that him?”
    She smiled and said, “A leg I think. Sometimes it’s hard to tell.”
    “Fascinating,” he said, cupping her belly in both hands, sliding his thumbs back and forth....
    He obviously wasn’t doing it to excite her, but try telling that to her body. It didn’t seem to know the difference. She was already on hormone overload. If she could at least put some clothes on—
    Tony leaned closer, pressing his cheek against her belly, and Lucy sucked in a breath. He must have touched her there a million times, but today, as his afternoon stubble tickled her skin, she felt it like an electric shock. One that fired up her libido and sent her hormone production into overdrive.
    He peered up at her through a veil of thick black lashes, wearing a look so ridiculously adorable, she melted.
    “Too much?” he asked.
    Yes. And no. And again please. And while you’re down there...
    All she said was, “Stubble.”
    “Sorry. Missed my afternoon shave,” he said. His beard grew so aggressively, he kept an electric razor at work for touch-ups. It was those Italian genes of his. She was sure that if she looked closely enough, she could probably watch it grow.
    “I hope my mom didn’t give you a hard

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